Anonymous ID: ae88a3 May 8, 2019, 2:55 p.m. No.6449244   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9341 >>9462 >>9672 >>9754 >>9844 >>0017

The Planned Parenthood Where Brian Sims Harassed Pro-Lifers Is A Mess


The Planned Parenthood clinic where Pennsylvania state Rep. Brian Sims harassed pro-life protesters has a terrible track record with state health and safety inspectors. Inspectors failed the Philadelphia clinic in 13 of its last 23 inspections, including a revisit in 2018 because it had not corrected the deficiencies identified in a prior visit. Inspectors also identified a wide range of safety problems at the clinic since 2011, including failure to report sex abuse of children and improper storage of aborted babies, according to records from the Pennsylvania Department of Health.


Sims visited the clinic last week and filmed himself harassing pro-life protesters, including a woman and three young girls who told him they were there to pray for the babies. “I’ve got $100 to anyone who will identify any of these three,” he said, after referring to them as “pseudo-Christians” there solely for the purpose of “shaming young girls.” Sims did not immediately respond to a request for comment regarding the health and safety record of the clinic.


The clinic passed its most recent inspection posted online in March 2019, but it is unclear what disciplinary or corrective action was taken regarding its past failures. A spokeswoman at the Pennsylvania Department of Health said those records are not available, except by a freedom of information request. The most egregious failing at the clinic is its failure to follow Pennsylvania child abuse laws, which stipulate a child under the age of 13 is incapable of consenting to sex, and that sex with a child under the age of 16 is a crime if the offender is four or more years older than the child. Health care providers including this clinic are required under the law to report these crimes. The clinic was found to have failed to report multiple instances in which unmarried girls under the age of 15 came to them pregnant. One of the girls, who was only 13, indicated on a form she first had sex when she was 11. The clinic did not report these instances of potential abuse and criminal violations to the state.


Additionally, the clinic was found on multiple inspections over the years to be in violation of safety protocols, such as fire safety standards and proper disposal and storage of biohazardous waste. In one 2015 visit, inspectors found ice and frost build up in a freezer, where the remains of aborted babies were improperly stored in red biohazard bags. Inspectors also found unsanitary conditions in several visits, including a container of used needles spilled and scattered on the floor of a biohazard room, and failure to meet standards about the storage of drugs. “The recovery area revealed multiple darkened stained areas on the carpeted floor,” a 2015 inspection report found. “The cushion of a patient bench had multiple darkened stains.” The clinic also failed seven of their last 14 building inspections.

Anonymous ID: ae88a3 May 8, 2019, 3:06 p.m. No.6449327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9347 >>9451 >>9462 >>9672 >>9844 >>0017

FBI Lost Notes From Clinton Probe Meeting Significant to Concerns Over Foreign Exfiltration Lead


The FBI had lost notes from a 2015 meeting with people from the office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG), according to newly released FBI records on the investigation of Former State Secretary Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information. The news raises a concern that some information about an explosive lead passed by the ICIG to the FBI now might be lost. The lost notes memorialized a meeting that took place on Aug. 3, 2015, less than a month after the ICIG made a referral to the FBI that classified information may have been disclosed in an unauthorized manner to a foreign power because Clinton conducted State Department business through an email hosted on an insufficiently secured server in her basement. The ICIG-FBI meetings hold special significance because it was allegedly several of these meetings where the ICIG officials passed a lead to the FBI about anomalies in the metadata of the emails indicating that a copy of nearly every email was sent to an agent of a foreign power. Several lawmakers as well as the Justice Department’s Inspector General (IG) publicly confirmed that then-ICIG Charles McCullough told them about the metadata anomalies and that the lead was communicated to the FBI. The FBI acknowledged that Clinton’s emails could have been breached by foreign actors who covered their tracks, but denied that any evidence of foreign infiltration was found. Several current and former senior FBI officials involved in the Clinton case denied in congressional testimonies any recollection of receiving the metadata lead.


Missing Notes Based on documents from a tranche released by the FBI around May 6, special agents from the FBI’s Washington field office were going through materials from the Clinton investigation so they could be released pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. On Feb. 4, they tried to find the ICIG meeting notes, which should have been in the case file based on information in the FBI’s electronic case management system. But the notes weren’t there. An intelligence analyst who was previously assigned to the Clinton case reached out to the FBI staffer who originally wrote the notes.


“I know this is a shot in the dark, but do you still have the meeting notes that you wrote up concerning an 8/3/2015 MRE meeting at FBIHQ? I think [redacted] correct me if I’m wrong) that this meeting was with the ICIG, if that helps matters,” the analyst wrote in a Feb. 5 email, also saying the notes “never made it to the file.” “I actually remember turning over my original notes for the file for this (it was right at the beginning of the case),” the staffer replied. “I gave them to [redacted] who was running the file then.” All names have been redacted in the communications. The email indicates, however, that the staffer is now with the FBI’s Office of the Chief Information Officer, which takes care of IT services for the bureau. A Feb. 12 document shows that the Washington Field Office considered the meeting notes missing as the special agent who was to receive the notes from the staffer said he “documented all relevant case material before leaving the case and did not retain any notes or other case materials.”

Anonymous ID: ae88a3 May 8, 2019, 3:19 p.m. No.6449410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9462 >>9672 >>9844 >>0017

Trump Sanctions Iran’s Metal Exports


The Trump administration sanctioned iron, steel, aluminum, and copper exports from Iran on May 8, choking off Tehran’s second-largest source of revenue. The White House’s announcement was timed with the one-year anniversary of Trump’s withdrawal from the previous administration’s Iran nuclear deal. Metals make up 10 percent of the Islamic regime’s exports. After the withdrawal, the United States imposed sanctions on Iran’s oil and petrochemical exports, the regime’s top source of revenue.


“Because of our action, the Iranian regime is struggling to fund its campaign of violent terror, as its economy heads into an unprecedented depression, government revenue dries up, and inflation spirals out of control,” Trump said in a statement. “We are successfully imposing the most powerful maximum pressure campaign ever witnessed, which today’s action will further strengthen.” Earlier in May, the Trump administration announced that it will not renew waivers it issued to several nations that have depended on Iranian oil, to clamp down completely on the regime’s oil industry. In April, the administration declared Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a foreign terrorist group. The United State considers Iran an “outlaw regime,” blaming it for malign activity around the world. Washington accuses Iran’s leaders of being the biggest funders of radical Islamic terrorism.


Trump quit the deal with Iran and several other nations in 2018, saying that the agreement allowed Iran to continue funding terrorism and developing ballistic missiles, among other issues. Israeli intelligence revealed in 2018 that Iran concealed a vast archive of nuclear weapons research in violation of the nuclear deal. Hours before Trump’s announcement, Iran informed ambassadors from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, China, and Russia of its decision to stop implementing “some commitments” of the Iran deal, officially titled the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). A letter from President Hassan Rouhani was delivered to the envoys of countries that are still party to the deal.


The United Kingdom said on May 8 it was extremely concerned about Iran’s announcement and that Tehran would face consequences if it backed away from the deal. Russia blamed the United States for Iran’s walking away from parts of the deal. “We are extremely concerned about this announcement and urge Iran to continue to meet its commitments under the deal and not to take escalatory steps,” British Prime Minister Theresa May’s spokesman said. The United States put forth 12 demands for Iran upon quitting the JCPOA, asking the regime to shut down its nuclear program, stop enriching plutonium, allow full access to international observers, and halt the development of nuclear-capable ballistic missiles, among other requests.

“Tehran can expect further actions unless it fundamentally alters its conduct,” Trump said. “I look forward to someday meeting with the leaders of Iran in order to work out an agreement and, very importantly, taking steps to give Iran the future it deserves.” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said that the United States demands the same from all other nations and that Iran is not unique. Tehran’s rulers have vehemently resisted pressure from the United States. In January, the regime carried out a failed satellite launch, defying a warning from Trump, and in February, Iran tested a new ballistic missile.