Anonymous ID: be4371 May 8, 2019, 2:54 p.m. No.6449234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9304 >>9462

Rudolf Steiner: Anthroposophy 101 (1/3)


NB: I have no involvement with the Steiner movement, no connection with Waldorf schools. First encountered Steiner in 1987 via the rather lurid and largely fictional Spear of Destiny and have researched and read him ever since. Plenty of scoundrels in the movement, more than a few cultists. The true principles of Waldorf education are beyond brilliant, but it easily goes full crank.


This is the executive summary of history, and you only find this from Steiner, via his fully conscious clairvoyant observations of the eternal Akashic record, including (in The Fifth Gospel) scenes from the life of Jesus. For an eyewitness account of the Crucifixion, the dark Sun, and the earthquake that hit Golgotha that day, find this lecture series.


In our era, Steiner said, we need to understand the dual nature of Evil very clearly. Well-formed concepts are essential, this is now "consciousness warfare". Use logic: Q.


To understand the dual nature of evil, consider the three greatest attributes of God: All-Knowing; All-Powerful; All-Loving.


God shares Knowledge and Power. All Knowledge is open to Lucifer, the light-bearer, who tempts you to set yourself up as a god. Steiner says the Luciferic temptation came in a previous epoch, when humanity's consciousness was very dim; a blind fall from grace, requiring vicarious redemption, especially from ever-deeper entanglement in the physical world.


This leads us to the second facet of Evil. All physical and material Power is shared with another principality, without which the physical universe itself could not have form. This power is called Mammon in the Bible, the principle of materialism; otherwise Satan, in context. Steiner gives this power a Persian name: Ahriman. Ahriman tempts you to believe that the three-dimensional world is the only existence there is, that spirituality is an illusion. This is in great contrast to Luciferic forces, which are overtly directed towards the spiritual.


Steiner says: all art is Luciferic. All science is Ahrimanic. You need to create a balance between these forces to turn them to good, this is why you need clear concepts and perceptions as to what's going on. Remember this notion of balance, there's an image that goes with all this, if I manage to stay wired.


Anonymous ID: be4371 May 8, 2019, 2:56 p.m. No.6449251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9462

Rudolf Steiner: Anthroposophy 101 (2/3)


The atheist scientists are Ahrimanic through and through, as are the Silicon Valley elite. Channelers and New Agers are Luciferic. You need to differentiate clearly, there are overlaps and plenty of synergies. Lucifer and Ahriman work very cleverly together.


Now, this you really only find in Steiner: there was an actual physical incarnation of Lucifer in China, around four thousand years ago. There's no question that there was an explosion of knowledge of some kind in China, the first real world civilization.


However, in our epoch, there's going to be a consequence to this incarnation of Wisdom in the East. As a necessary counterbalance of history, Steiner said, in the second half of the 20th century, Ahriman would physically incarnate in the West, specifically in the USA. The true Prince of the Principality of All Material Reality, no less, will manifest on the world stage of this planet in the first third of the 21st century. Wise anthroposophists say that there is no real material preparation you can make for this advent. There is only spiritual armour.


Steiner predicted a planetary surveillance state, literally he said a silicon spider-web covering the whole planet (i.e., 5G or dark fibre) driven by artificial intelligence, which is the true bill signature of Ahriman: so, global AI with the most dread Antichrist in the Universe in charge, the ultimate god of the machine mind. This is Class 101: Terminator.


Anonymous ID: be4371 May 8, 2019, 2:56 p.m. No.6449257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9462

Rudolf Steiner: Anthroposophy 101 (3/3)


Rudolf Steiner died in 1925. The only mistake he made, in my book, was that he clearly died unexpectedly early, there was a vast amount of work left undone.


Steiner repeatedly pointed to the year 1933 when Germany would face a fateful choice between good and evil, between its true destiny and the abyss. He definitely anticipated being around in 1933. And we know how that turned out. Hitler, a clear Luciferic influence, deliberately appealing to the spiritual nature of the German people, swept the nation with no voice to stand against him.


Half way between the incarnations of Lucifer and Ahriman, as the necessary fulcrum, we have the incarnation of Christ. Steiner says that Jesus completely overcame Lucifer at the Baptism, when he was filled with all the knowledge that had been hidden by the Luciferic illusion.


However, it was on the Cross that Jesus made his decisive act to defeat Ahriman, through the shedding of the Blood. Now: this victory is not complete, not by any means, although the power of Love is now circulating on this planet, through the Blood, and if we access this power, we can overcome egotism and materialism and stare down Lucifer and Ahriman.


In the temptation of Christ, when he is told that all the kingdoms of heaven will be his: that's Lucifer speaking. When he's told to turn these stones into bread: that's Ahriman talking. Christ was here experiencing the power of material need in surviving physical reality, and the hold of money over humanity, especially the need to turn stones (gold) into bread.


Ahriman is very specifically the father of lies, and the absolute proof that Ahriman is hard by the door, right now, is the proliferation of fake news in the world, especially in the USA. Get set for lots more falseness, bright lights in the sky. Do not be fooled by laser shows. Do not be fooled by shills. By their fruits ye shall know them.


God shares power with Ahriman; knowledge with Lucifer. No doors in these two realms are closed to you, if you follow the dark path.


But Love: that can only come from God, that's God's very special gift of grace for us. Steiner says that anyone who has ever realised that Love is different from Knowledge and Power, and chose to embrace Love, even though it gives you no special advantages in this world – that person is a true Christian.


/ends for now

Anonymous ID: be4371 May 8, 2019, 3:13 p.m. No.6449366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9462 >>9467

Rudolf Steiner: Anthroposophy 102 (1/3)


I have nothing to do with any Rudolf Steiner organisation or Waldorf school, but I've been reading Steiner fairly obsessively since 1987, starting with the infamous Spear of Destiny. Much of this book appears to be fiction, and it was a great embarrasment to the anthroposophical movement, but it's very important, just for its references. It's largely about Rudolf Steiner's closest associate, Walter Johannes Stein, who was Winston Churchill's alleged advisor on matters occult involving Hitler. Stein is a known quantity, he was a prolific writer and lecturer, and there is no question that he ran missions to the King of Belgium and the like on behalf of Churchill.


The story in the Spear of Destiny – that Walter Stein had a lengthy association with Adolf Hitler between the wars – seems to be a fantasy. Stein himself said that he heard Hitler's voice just once.


Rudolf Steiner was kicked out of his own society, as far as I know, and the anthroposophical movement has always been infiltrated and divided. It would have to be, just like this board. There's a huge debate as to whether Steiner was poisoned – he himself denied it, but there's graphic evidence from two witnesses of a clear poisoning, when he drank copious milk and threw up something he'd just eaten. He then went on to give a particularly powerful lecture. However, his health never recovered fully.


There's a rare book (well, you can get a PDF online now) called Morning of the Magicians, which the Spear of Destiny plagiarises shamelessly. This book tells the truth as to what really killed Steiner. It says he died of a broken heart after his epic Gotheanum building in Dornach, Switzerland, a wooden masterpiece, burned to the ground. An incendiary had been placed deep inside the structure by a Nazi hireling. Someone smelled smoke, they checked the whole building, found nothing, until it was too late. This building had a dome greater than St Peter's. It got rebuilt in concrete.


There are some really good people in the Steiner movement and some real chancers. There've been more than a few total creeps and cultists with a Waldorf school background, make no mistake at all.


None of this should take away from Steiner's teachings, the true path of the Holy Grail. This is the greatest Christian wisdom that's been handed down to humanity since the Revelation of John. The advent of Ahriman in the USA explains everything that's happening. 5G is the platform of Ahriman and they are rushing it for all they're worth.


Anonymous ID: be4371 May 8, 2019, 3:14 p.m. No.6449371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9382

Rudolf Steiner: Anthroposophy 102 (2/3)


Steiner says that haste is the only known weakness of Ahriman: he tends to be impatient, to act too quickly. They want 5G by 2020. This is the last full year of the human race. Use it well. You want to be a patriot? Go fight 5G in your neighbourhood, show the world what local democracy means. You are the news now. Put those memes into action in public meetings. Find the facts.


Find how Bill Clinton's 1996 Telecoms Act gives the FCC complete control of the landscape. If a tower is radiating under the FCC guidelines – the worst in the world in terms of protection – then even if dead bodies are seen piling up around these towers, federal law prevents any local authority from taking any action, even from just listening to citizens. A radiation guideline fixed by engineers trumps every provision of your constitution, every right you might think you have, starting with life, privacy, free speech, and control over your brainwaves. Oh, and children with brains.


Anonymous ID: be4371 May 8, 2019, 3:14 p.m. No.6449376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9462

Rudolf Steiner: Anthroposophy 102 (3/3)


I recently reread the whole of Harry Potter from the library, never read the last one before. To my surprise: there's a straight plagiarism of the Spear of Destiny, only now it's the Wand of Destiny, which threads its way through history, passing from wizard to wizard. The wording is near identical. JK Rowling did not write those books, that's her biggest fairy story, no question about it, this was an MI5 committee. Honestly, the first time I saw the name Harry Potter, I thought – hullo, MI5. Harold Potter was the famous chap who reorganised MI5's files between the war, using card indexes. And was a blackbelt Freemason, as I found in an old book on the Brotherhood. You won't find that fact online: the real Harry Potter was a Mason. There's more names they use, dead giveaways, once you start looking. Hermione Norris was an actress who starred in a TV series on MI5 called Spooks…


The reference to the Wand of Destiny in Harry Potter arises from events in the wizarding world around 1945 – an alliance of German and English super-wizards who intended to take over the planet. Seriously, JK Rowling says the whole plot of Harry Potter came to her one day in a flash. I'll just bet the Wand of Destiny was involved.

/ends for now

Anonymous ID: be4371 May 8, 2019, 3:19 p.m. No.6449408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9462

Rudolf Steiner: Anthroposophy 103 (1/3)


However nuts his ideas may sound, there are millions of people around the world who regard Rudolf Steiner as a basically infallible source of information on the spiritual world. However, he died before the full message could be articulated. My reading of the 20th century is that people are still hypnotised by the dark shadow cast by Hitler. They should rather be looking at the very, very brilliant light that created this shadow. There's no doubt that Hitler seriously plagiarised Steiner, while attacking him publicly and trying to kill him behind the scenes.


The story in the Spear of Destiny is that Hitler ordered the destruction of Steiner's Goetheanum building in Switzerland in order to destroy a huge wooden sculpture, which particularly enraged him.


This sculpture depicts Christ as the Universal Representative of Humanity. He is set in a swirling, surreal landscape, and he is balancing two forces of evil that are howling around him. Above is Lucifer, trying to fly, but with broken wings. Below, suppressed in a cave, is a dreadful kind of dragon-like creature: this is Ahriman, Mammon, the spirit of materialism. Thus, Christ holds in balance the two contrasting forces of evil.


To my eye, at the top left of the sculpture, the face with the broken wings is an unmistakeable caricature of Adolf Hitler, with his characteristic forelock – see the picture detail. Hitler was a Luciferic forerunner to the ultimate Antichrist of our age, as predicted by Steiner: the full incarnation of Ahriman in human form, to be born in the USA in the second half of the 20th century, and to come to power in the first third of this century.


Remember, Steiner accurately predicted the year Hitler would rise to power, 1933.


Acording to the Spear of Destiny, Ahrimanic lodges in the USA did not cooperate with the Nazis, because they were already working towards the conquest of the world with their own future Superman.


It's not difficult to imagine that this 20-foot high sculpture might have angered Hitler. However, it survived the flames and can be seen in Switzerland to this day, it's the only item on my bucket list, I'd really like to experience this work of art and science.


A very sensitive friend of mine told me she thought the sculpture was revolting and terrible, and she wasn't at all surprised that Hitler wanted it destroyed. This was an interesting and valid response. If you are not disturbed by this sculpture at some level, you're not paying attention.


Anonymous ID: be4371 May 8, 2019, 3:21 p.m. No.6449419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9462

Rudolf Steiner: Anthroposophy 103 (2/3)


Steiner's big social idea was the Threefold Commonwealth: the division of society into three fully autonomous realms, the legal/political/military or "Rights" realm, ruled by the principle of equality; the cultural/religious/educational realm, ruled by the notion of liberty; and the economic realm, where we all have to cooperate together to produce the goods and services we need to survive. Here, fraternity rules.


In 1924, when asked when the Threefold Commonwealth would arise, Steiner said in about 20 years, but it will be in such chaos, that no one will recognise it.


In a book called Hitler Speaks, there's a fascinating story by Hermann Rauschning, Gauleiter of the Free Port of Danzig in the 1930s, who had to try make sense of the economic chaos of the early Third Reich. The only coherent concept is a triangle Hitler talks about: the state is a triangle, Hitler says, and gives a totally garbled but recognisable version of the Threefold Social Order. Rauschning is a controversial character, some people say he fabricated these conversations. This particular conversation is absolute proof, for me, that Rauschning was actually an extremely acute observer.


To this day, German workers sit on company boards, something that has helped preserve stability in the German economy. This is a faint echo from the ideas of the Threefold Commonwealth.


Anonymous ID: be4371 May 8, 2019, 3:23 p.m. No.6449434   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rudolf Steiner: Anthroposophy 103 (3/3)


There are three dead giveaways of the presence of Ahriman on this planet, the Prince of all material existence. They are: (1) Fake news; (2) Vaccines; and (3) 5G. You will find the Waldorf schools absolutely leading the war against vaccines. Steiner said that in our era, scientists would literally find a vaccination against human spirituality, people would not be able to experience their souls properly. Autism fits the bill, and this now affects more than 2% of all American kids. Do not doubt that this pandemic is real. Ask any parent of an autistic kid.


My central issue is 5G and wireless technology, as an old morsefag, I take responsibility for the radio frequencies. 5G functions by tracking you across the landscape, bouncing focused beams of radiation off buildings, moving cars, billboards, anything to get the signal to you. By its very nature, 5G is a super-surveillance technology.


Vaccines and 5G as issues are totally the provenance of social media, there is a complete mainstream blackout on these two subjects. Donald Trump is pushing 5G for all he's worth, and he says people "MUST" get vaccinated, although he's made sympathetic noises on the vaccine issue before. He has installed the most conspicuous industry shill imaginable in the FCC, one Ajit Pai, a telecoms industry lobbyist and lawyer. So much for draining the swamp.


But … but … Donald Trump is the one man who has led the war against fake news, who has finally taught America just what lies the mainstream media tell.


Therefore, I am not writing off POTUS or Q just yet. Because fake news is exactly where we are fighting the 5G and vaccine battles. Anyone who upends the mainstream media narrative, is on our side.


So I am telling you straight: it's clearly, without question, 100% entirely up to you, Anons. You need to fight 5G off your own bat, you need to fight vaccines and the people who want to inject aborted foetal tissue into you in the name of "herd immunity".


I've been fighting towers for 20 years now. It's an extremely instructive war. Do not underestimate the cosmic powers that you are opposing. If you really want to fight the good fight: stop those transmitters on the lampposts in your street, outside your kids' bedrooms, in their playgrounds. Apple tells you to hold your iPhone 0.36 inches away from the head, every fraction of an inch makes it safer. But now the industry tells you these mini-cells are going to be safe, because look, that little transmitter is so close to your bedroom, we don't have to use much power. Spot the glaring cognitive dissonance. Believe me, I've attended many public meetings on towers: the operators have no answers whatsoever, only lies and evasions. Pin them down. Fight them on the beaches.

/ends for now

Anonymous ID: be4371 May 8, 2019, 4:02 p.m. No.6449715   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Steiner points out that there are two personalities in the Bible who tell humans, You are gods: these are Lucifer and Christ.


The balance between Lucifer and Ahriman is very different. I don't know anything about the Process Church.