Anonymous ID: 042131 May 8, 2019, 4:54 p.m. No.6450080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0186

Facebook to suppress all websites that aren’t officially recognized by the corrupt, dishonest Wikipedia website


Anyone who’s been to college in the Wikipedia era, especially anything above the associate degree level, knows that’s the last reference resource professors will accept from students when writing research papers.


That’s because Wikipedia, which is kind of, sort of, self-edited contains gigabytes of false, phony, or erroneous information. The site isn’t peer reviewed by any means, and it’s just not a reliable source of information.


And yet, a new censorship tool being introduced by Facebook will intentionally or inadvertently rely heavily on Wikipedia for the establishment of ‘credible’ news and information sites.


Breitbart Tech notes:


Facebook received a lot of attention for overt censorship last week. But the social network is engaging in covert suppression of independent media too — most recently with its introduction of “Click-Gap,” a way of favoring established websites and suppressing non-established ones.


Here’s how this latest bald-faced censorship scheme will work.


Click-Gap will work to penalize news and information sites that have yet to establish “authority” outside of Facebook, where ‘authority’ is assessed based on the number of clicks sites get from sources other than the platform, like establishment media sources.


Facebook’s “VP of integrity” and “VP of news integrity” officially explain it this way on the platform’s blog:


Click-Gap looks for domains with a disproportionate number of outbound Facebook clicks compared to their place in the web graph. This can be a sign that the domain is succeeding on News Feed in a way that doesn’t reflect the authority they’ve built outside it and is producing low-quality content.


This is huge because Facebook has become a primary traffic driver for new websites of all kinds, including, of course, news sites. But, as Breitbart Tech reports, Click-Gap appears to have been designed to promote websites that managed to build up their readership and following before social media became a thing. So the system will naturally favor the older, establishment media outlets like CNN, Washington Post, The New York Times, etc. — some of the biggest drivers of fake news in the era of POTUS Donald Trump.

Anonymous ID: 042131 May 8, 2019, 4:56 p.m. No.6450109   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Study Uncovers How Coca-Cola Influences Science Research


Coca-Cola has poured millions of dollars into scientific research at universities. But if the beverage giant doesn’t like what scientists find, the company has the power to make sure that their research never sees the light of day.


That’s according to an analysis published in the Journal of Public Health Policy that explains how Coca-Cola uses contract agreements to influence the public health research it financially supports.


The paper explains that Coca-Cola uses carefully-constructed contracts to ensure that the company gets early access to research findings, as well as the ability to terminate studies for any reason. Researchers say this gives the beverage company the ability to squash unfavorable research findings, such as studies that connect the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages to obesity.


The study’s authors are affiliated with the University of Cambridge, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of Bocconi, and U.S. Right to Know, a nonprofit organization that advocates for greater transparency in the food system. They based their report on Coca-Cola research contracts obtained through numerous Freedom of Information requests, which uncovered over 87,000 pages of documents. In the stack, the study’s authors found five Coca-Cola research agreements with four universities: Louisiana State University, University of South Carolina, University of Toronto and the University of Washington.


Much of the research Coca-Cola supports is related to nutrition and physical activity.


While their analysis focused on Coca-Cola, the researchers say that these types of contracts aren’t unique in the world of corporate-sponsored science. As the U.S. government spends less on research, corporate sponsors are kicking in — but not always for the common good. POM, Monsanto and PepsiCo have sponsored health studies related to their products. But by revealing how just one company can influence and even kill studies without reason, the study’s authors make the case for greater transparency in corporate-sponsored scientific research.

Anonymous ID: 042131 May 8, 2019, 4:59 p.m. No.6450127   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Present Danger: The CCP’s Unrestricted Warfare Against The US


WASHINGTON—A newly formed committee is sounding the alarm about the dangers posed by a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that is waging unrestricted warfare against the United States, and the group is urging President Donald Trump to go further in opposing the CCP.


In its fourth public event since it was founded in late March, the Committee on the Present Danger: China gathered politicians and experts on Capitol Hill on May 2 to discuss topics such as fifth-generation (5G) communications technology, intellectual property (IP) theft, the nature of the Chinese regime, and U.S. financial support for it.



Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) said that in an age of the “internet of things,” everything is connected to something, and that something is connected to a network. That is why the United States can’t afford to lose the race for 5G, the coming generation of internet technology. If that network is controlled by the CCP’s version of 5G, all the data in it will be compromised.


Perry used the battle of Gettysburg as an example of how important information is. In what is often described as the turning point in the U.S. Civil War, the Confederate commander, Robert E. Lee, had faulty information about the number and disposition of the Union forces, leading to his defeat.

Anonymous ID: 042131 May 8, 2019, 5:01 p.m. No.6450150   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘OMG’: Emails Reveal Huma Abedin’s Reaction When Learning Hillary’s Server Was Target of Hacking


Huma Abedin, a top aide to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, had a simple three letter response upon learning that her boss’s private email server had been the target of a hacking attempt – “OMG.”


The revelation comes amidst the release of 277 pages of FBI files concerning Clinton.


One email in the document drop shows Abedin responding to IT professional Justin Cooper who explained that he had to shut down the supposedly secure server on January 9th, 2011, because “someone was trying to hack us.”


“I had to shut down the server,” Cooper wrote. “Someone was trying to hack us and while they did not get in I didn’t want to let them have the chance to.”