Anonymous ID: 29e440 May 8, 2019, 6:02 p.m. No.6450725   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>I've watched a few vids, and listened to some FE proponents, but it all felt like extremely tenuous logic & pretty light on sauce for my taste


Same here anon


@ 1:13:40 Dr. Michael Jones gets it. Flat Earth Theory is a Psyop to distract and taint the public’s consideration of geocentrism. However, Dr. Jones is wrong about the our solar system not being located near the center of the known Universe. All of the latest empirical evidence on the cosmic background radiation strongly indicates that we are Not randomly positioned as a small insignificant “pale blue planet.” Both of our planet’s axes are correlated with the rest of the Universe. So freaked were the scientists when they saw this data, they called it the “axis of evil.” The Copernican Principle can now be thoroughly rejected by the scientific method but none of the cosmologists will admit this publicly. Instead, they dream up pseudoscience like multiverse theory so they don’t have to face the evidence. I will provide links if anyone here cares.