Anonymous ID: 5fa69e May 8, 2019, 8:35 p.m. No.6452143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2152 >>2164 >>2173 >>2201 >>2301

>>6449513 PB on Legalization of Magic Mushrooms in Colorado; Reason? The Recent Medical Research.


Cannabinoid molecules that stop seizures in seconds, from the Marijuana plant, and now, outrageously excellent NATURAL anti-depressant activity from the "Magic Mushroom".

It only takes ONE mushroom pill. (pic related)


The research subjects in all of the experiments so far describe the experience as if someone had hit the "reset" button in their brains. More experiments are being planned, because of all the great results with the smaller experiments.



The antidepressant effects last for up to 6 MONTHS, and can save the lives of many cancer patients, and the suicidal, since these people need the psychological edge to fight back.

So far, there are no side effects at all.

One pill.

One pill. Five weeks to SIX months of relief.

No side effects.

Catch up on the science.

Sorry for the rant, but…..

This is America.

We have been letting big pharma deny us our natural medicines for far too long.


ONE thing we have the inalienable right to do is care for our fellow Americans, our fellow man, our children, without being granted some license by some bureaucrat to take care of the neighbors if we so choose.

WE are smart enough to figure out how to best use these plants. We are smart enough to do the research, if we are free to do the research.

IMHO. ….NO GREEN PLANT or other natural life form should be against the law in America. Nearly all of the best medicine comes from plants, fungus like mushrooms, etc.

There is science to do, and it can not be done when researchers are under the threat of arrest. We do not need the man made fake stuff today, when we have the technology to concentrate the real God given thing that will work with our bodies.

We Americans have an inalienable GOD given right to grow anything God gave us. The Constitution does not bar Americans from plant production of any kind, nor should it. The entire idea that anything like this would be illegal to work with, especially to do research that saves lives, is unconstitutional.

The government bureaucrats would want to talk to me about the dangers……


Don't talk to me about dangerous plants when there are weeds in my field that can kill my cows, and common house plants that can take my children's voice away if they are chewed on by my toddlers. Some house plants and common weeds are absolutely deadly. You cant even ingest one leaf.

But they are not illegal for us to have?


WHY then, does the government outlaw plants that are …not …deadly poisonous?

$$$$$$$ for big pharma….

That's why.

Government needs to quit playing daddy.


How many years worth of children have died from these deadly seizures because people partied with a marijuana plant and used it to kill pain, which was threatening big pharma profits???


How many private prison businesses relied on those jail sentences for trading in a green plant that harms no one, and that researchers needed to be researching 49 years ago to save so many lost lives?????


How many of our families have lost their fathers to these for profit prison businesses?

SCOURGE on America.


How many people have committed suicide for lack of a good all natural antidepressant?

As a biofag, all I can say is…

Go Colorado!!!!

Give these evil big pharma assholes who want to control every plant on the planet for their own profit …HELL!

Between them, and Monsanto, mankind has been denied so many of Gods gifts.

So sorry anons, for the rant.

But, it has to be said. It's life and death for so many. They literally take our right to save each others lives away. If we do not have this right, what do we have America?