Anonymous ID: 591c07 May 8, 2019, 10:39 p.m. No.6452679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2685

563 days since October 27, 2017

6 million+ posts

8250 breads

thousands of anons working diligently spending hundreds of thousands of hours

thousands of memes produced

House of Reps lost

2 years of bullshit Mueller report

The Pope was supposed to have a bad May–maybe it's this year.

Contempt charges

Sleazy Dems running amok


And no deep state arrests. HRC still running her mouth. Hussein still doing his thing. Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Rice, Jarrett, Holder, Biden, walking around with their smug, elitist looks.


But we will keep digging because the more we dig the more we find out who the deep state players are and how many of them are out there.


But we are only human. We need to see some of these people go down. We need to see the pain. Hopefully the momentum starts to build when Comey sings, the IG report comes out, and declas starts. Maybe this is the train into 2020. I hope and pray every day when I wake up that some of the 90,000+ indictments are served.