Anonymous ID: 87260e May 8, 2019, 9:48 p.m. No.6452494   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hundreds of journalists risk losing their White House press pass under a newly announced White House policy, though most would still be able to cover the West Wing.

The policy, included in a weekend email to reporters by White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, would limit the number of people who can easily breeze past Secret Service to cover the White House in person on a moment's notice.

Sanders wrote that annual renewal processes for the badge, known as a "hard pass," would include reviewing of electronic records to ensure reporters visited the White House on 50 percent of days — something few do.


"A hard pass will not be renewed for any journalist whose badge-in records show that he or she was not present in the complex for at least 90 days in the 180-day window prior to expiration of the pass," Sanders said, claiming discretion to exempt "senior journalists serving as bureau chiefs or in a similar capacity" and "to review special circumstances, such as maternity leave."

Those without a hard pass must request a "day pass" beforehand, and then show a Secret Service agent a photo ID and press pass, as well as confirm their Social Security number. On days where there is a briefing or major event, the day pass line is clogged with confused newcomers, student journalists, and members of the foreign press.


Compost hack is whining about it