Any 3-letter agency agent attempting to run for office in an effort to subvert, and with the ultimate goal of being to destroy America, should immediately be arrested and brought up on crimes of high treason.
Dual-citizenship needs to END. You're either an American citizen, loyal to America & the Constitution, or you're not.
Zero lobbying by corporations/foundations/think-tanks/anything of the sort - ZERO 'LEGAL' BRIBERY!
Employees should receive a share of the company's(whom they work for) profits at the end of each quarter on a percentage-to-gross scale, regardless of being a shareholder.(they make/sell the products so stop being greedy)
These could be immediate steps taken while we await the 'New World'(unless that was just another fantastical coded drop that only leads back to normie shit like so many others have - it's a book! no, it's a plane from 1872!, and on and on.
Time to MAGA or get off the pot.