Anonymous ID: 14415c May 9, 2019, 4:14 p.m. No.6457434   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Joe Biden Claims US Has ‘Obligation’ to Provide ‘Undocumented’ Migrants Free Healthcare


Former vice president and current presidential candidate Joe Biden said during a campaign stop in California on May 8 that the United States has an “obligation” to give free health care to illegal aliens. Biden made the comment while responding to a reporter who asked whether “law-abiding” illegals should be given federal benefits. “I think that anyone who is in a situation where they’re in need of health care, regardless of whether they are documented or undocumented, we have an obligation to see that they are cared for,” Biden said in reply. “That’s why I think we need more clinics around the country.”


Biden also challenged the notion that many illegal aliens were coming from the Southwest border, saying that the United States needs to “tone down the rhetoric” against illegals. “By the way, a significant portion of undocumented folks in this country are there because they’ve overstayed their visas,” the former vice president said. “It’s not people breaking down gates coming across the border, so the biggest thing we got to do on this thing is just tone down the rhetoric. We know why it’s happening. It’s to create fear and concern.”


But numbers from the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) illustrate a different picture. In April, CBP agents detained 109,144 migrants, which is an increase of about 5 percent from March and the highest monthly figure since 2007. This includes more than 58,000 migrant parents and children and 8,800 unaccompanied children taken into custody, according to Homeland Security figures. Additionally, in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) Sector alone, more than 10,000 illegal aliens were apprehended this past week, making it one of the highest weekly total ever experienced in this sector, according to CBP. Moreover, over 7,000 illegal aliens are in custody at stations and processing centers.


Carla Provost, chief of U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, said on May 8 during a hearing of the Senate Subcommittee on Border Security and Immigration that “apprehension numbers are off the charts.” “We cannot address this crisis by shifting more resources. It’s like holding a bucket under a faucet. It doesn’t matter how many buckets we have if we can’t turn off the flow,” she said.


In 2014, Biden, who was then-vice president, claimed that illegal aliens are “already Americans” during a speech to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Washington. “You know, 11 million people live in the shadows. I believe they’re already American citizens,” Biden said, reported The Hill. “These people are just waiting, waiting for a chance to contribute fully. And by that standard, 11 million undocumented aliens are already Americans, in my view.”


According to the Sacramento Bee, providing health care to illegal aliens has been a major policy issue in California for the past year. California Gov. Gavin Newsom has proposed expanding the current healthcare program, which already covers eligible immigrant children up to age 19 to participate in Medi-Cal regardless of immigration status, to include unauthorized young illegal aliens aged between 19 and 25. Newsom’s office estimates that this would cost nearly $260 million to cover them in 2019-20.

Anonymous ID: 14415c May 9, 2019, 4:26 p.m. No.6457556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7818 >>7871

Oracle Lays Off 900 Employees in China in Plan to Shut R&D Centers


Oracle, the world’s largest database software and technology company, has begun laying off about 900 employees at its research and development (R&D) centers in China, according to a recently leaked internal company memo. The layoffs is the latest bout of bad news amid China’s economic downturn, after former employees at some of China’s biggest tech companies complained of widespread layoffs earlier this year. Chinese media who spoke to some newly unemployed Oracle staffers reported that the U.S. tech giant plans to close all of its five R&D centers in China and lay off all 1,600 employees working there.


Massive Layoffs In the memo leaked on May 7, Oracle stated that the layoffs were part of adjustments to its global engineering team, as it seeks to supply more cloud services rather than old-fashioned software. The first Oracle R&D facility was founded in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen in 2002. Then it founded others in Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, and Nanjing.


Chinese media 21st Century Business Herald quoted several Oracle engineers who worked at the Beijing R&D Center. On May 7, the center held a town-hall meeting in the morning and announced the first round of layoffs. “I had my one-on-one meeting at 9:55 a.m., and the severance package is N+6,” an anonymous Oracle Beijing employee told 21st Century Business Herald. “N+6” means the number of service years in monthly salary plus six months. For example, a laid-off employee will receive 11-months’ salary as compensation if he has worked for five years. “All the laid-off employees [in this round] have to sign the resignation contract before May 22, and leave the company before May 31,” another anonymous employee told 21st Century Business Herald.


The second Oracle employee said he was initially told by co-workers that his team would not get laid off, so he did not make any preparations in advance. He said it would be difficult find a new job within 20 days. Although he will get the N+6 severance package, he does not wish to take a break from work. Chinese internet portal Sohu interviewed several Oracle employees and reported on May 8 that the company plans to lay off 900 of its China staff in May, about 500 of which work at the Beijing R&D center. In July, Oracle will close all five China R&D facilities and lay off the remaining 700 engineers. Oracle will keep its sales and marketing, technical support, training, and other administrative teams in China.


According to Qi Chacha, a database of Chinese companies, the average monthly salary at Oracle China is 48,959 yuan ($7,218). According to figures published by the Beijing government, the average salary in Beijing in 2017 was 8,467 yuan ($1,248). Chinese law stipulates that companies offer a minimum of “N+1” severance packages. Still, some of Oracle’s laid-off employees expressed online that they were not satisfied with their N+6 packages and protested in front of the Beijing company headquarters.

Anonymous ID: 14415c May 9, 2019, 4:44 p.m. No.6457716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7818 >>7871

Chinese Bid for Washington Metro Contracts Is a Major Security Threat


A Chinese state-owned company is bidding for a more than $500 million contract to supply rail cars for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, and the contract should be raising eyebrows in terms of finances and security. The company, China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (CRCC), is based in Beijing and is the world’s second-largest construction and engineering company. It is owned by the Chinese regime’s State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. Being owned by the Chinese regime means it’s held under Chinese law, meaning that any data it collects through Wi-Fi or sensors will be liable to Chinese data monitoring laws. Under the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) National Security Law, all data needs to be “secure and controllable.” The CCP has large-scale data monitoring programs under its Golden Shield censorship system, its Skynet surveillance system, its Social Credit System to track and rate citizens, and others.


Erik Olson, vice president of the Rail Security Alliance, told The Epoch Times in a previous interview that trains today are fitted with numerous systems for monitoring, which could be compromised if the CCP were able to control the rails. Modern trains have closed-circuit cameras, internal Wi-Fi, and various types of sensors that can collect data.


Reuters published a story on the potential Washington Metro deal on May 9, claiming that “national security hawks” are circling in on the contract potentially going to China. It questions why a state would be interested in spying on people using subway cars—yet for Washington, the answer should be obvious. If the CCP was able to receive data from the Wi-Fi networks, security cameras, and other sensors, it would mean the data of any government officials using those networks could be compromised. For example, Pentagon officials checking their email on the networks could have their passwords stolen. It also would mean that the CCP would be able to track the movements of individuals and those they’re traveling with, as China’s facial recognition technology is among the most advanced in the world. FBI agents meeting with sources could have their sources compromised, and government officials having improper meetings could be blackmailed. The CCP could extend the same systems it uses against its own citizens into the heart of U.S. politics.


Reuters doesn’t explain that CRCC is not engaged in a normal business competition. Being state-owned, the company doesn’t need to make a profit. This allows it to bid below cost and push out competitors. And it often bids at a significantly lower amount than any honest competitor could afford. CRCC has shown its ability to dominate markets using this method in Australia. After it was allowed into the Australian market close to 10 years ago, it eventually acquired one of the three main Australian rail companies, and the two others went out of business. The Chinese company already has been using the same tactic in the United States. Olson said that in Boston, CRCC was bidding at about half the price quoted by its competitor.


“The Boston one is particularly interesting because the second-lowest bid was from Bombardier, which was around $1 billion, and CRCC came in at $569 million,” Olson said. “[CRCC] don’t have to make money, so they can do whatever they want.” Some cities are going around federal regulations so they can work with CRCC. In Boston, for example, the local government waived federal funds so they won’t be held accountable to President Donald Trump’s 2017 “Buy American and Hire American” executive order.

Anonymous ID: 14415c May 9, 2019, 4:58 p.m. No.6457847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7871

Senate Panel Approves Trump Nominee Jeffrey Rosen as Deputy AG


The Senate Judiciary Committee on May 9 approved President Donald Trump’s deputy attorney general nominee, Jeffrey Rosen, forwarding the matter to the Senate floor for confirmation. Rosen currently serves as deputy secretary at the Department of Transportation. Trump picked him at the recommendation of Attorney General William Barr, who has worked with Rosen in private law practice.


Democrats, who are the minority party on the committee, opposed Rosen, saying he’s never worked as a prosecutor. “We can’t and shouldn’t afford to have somebody who is learning on the job,” said the panel’s ranking member, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.). Committee Chairman Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), argued that Rosen’s decades of litigation experience is sufficient, noting that since 1975, there have been five deputy attorney generals with no prosecutorial or Justice Department experience. “This is not a prosecutor’s job,” he said. “The job of the deputy attorney general, among others, is to manage the organization, which is $28 billion and more than 100,000 employees.” Rosen is “exceedingly well qualified” for this job, Graham said.


Replacing Rosenstein If confirmed by the Republican majority in the Senate, Rosen will replace outgoing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who became one of the department’s most high-profile deputies in recent history, after he appointed special counsel Robert Mueller in May 2017 to probe Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. While Mueller’s report didn’t determine whether Trump obstructed justice, it documented multiple episodes painting Trump’s behavior in an unflattering light. Rosenstein and Barr later concluded Mueller found insufficient evidence to prosecute Trump for obstruction.


Rosenstein, who was to be honored in a May 9 farewell ceremony, will be leaving his post at the end of the week. Rosen suggested during his April 10 confirmation hearing that, if necessary, he is willing to rebuff political pressure from the White House. He told the legislators that he would expect that all criminal investigations “proceed on the facts and the law” and that he believes prosecutions should be “free of improper political influences.” “If the appropriate answer is to say no to somebody, then I will say no,” he said.



Anonymous ID: 14415c May 9, 2019, 5:04 p.m. No.6457901   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>POTUS would happily call someone illiterate and/or mock them through deliberate misuse if they couldn't master the use of an apostrophe.


>call the thot police then fag


POTUS is a wise man who uses such action with a specific purpose and as such a wiseman chooses his battles. People are HUMAN anon and capable of mistakes just like you… or another words, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.