Anonymous ID: 37800f May 9, 2019, 4:33 p.m. No.6457623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7818 >>7871

Antifa Accounts Threaten Armed Conflict with Conservatives, Doxxes ICE Agents AND THEIR FAMILIES — Approved by Twitter


Twitter, Facebook and Google continue to work daily to eliminate conservative voices online.


Last week Facebook and Instagram banned several conservatives including Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer, the personal account of Alex Jones and others, categorizing some as “dangerous.”


But far left accounts that threaten armed conflict and regularly dox conservatives and ICE officials are approved by these far left tech giants.


Far Left Watch revealed Antifa accounts doxxing ICE officials AND THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS!


Of course, these violent far left communists are approved by Twitter to continue posting their violent threats while conservatives who defend America are banned.

Anonymous ID: 37800f May 9, 2019, 4:40 p.m. No.6457676   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Top UK Journalist Craig Murray Blocked by Facebook After Criticising Israel


Murray is a heavy-hitter in the alternative media with huge credibility. The former UK ambassador and ally of Julian Assange writes mostly for his personal blog, which averages about 1.5 million views per month, an astonishing amount, eclipsing most mainstream pundits. Obviously people appreciate what he has to say. Facebook doesn’t.


On April 23rd, the great independent investigative journalist, Craig Murray — a former British diplomat — headlined at his blog, “Condemned By Their Own Words”, and he posted there the translated-to-English transcript (excerpted below) to this Israeli radio Hebrew broadcast on April 21st, in which an Israeli Brigadier-General, named Fogel, explained why Israel’s troops are doing the right thing to shoot and even to kill Gazans who come (an unspecified) too close to the wall which separates Israel from Gaza:


Any person who gets close to the fence, anyone who could be a future threat to the border of the State of Israel and its residents, should bear a price for that violation. If this child or anyone else gets close to the fence in order [the soldier thinks possibly] to hide an explosive device or [to] check if there are any dead zones there or to cut the fence so someone could infiltrate the territory of the State of Israel to kill us …


Nesiel [the interviewer]: Then, then his punishment [for being suspected] is death?


Fogel: His punishment is death. As far as I’m concerned then yes, if you can only shoot him to stop him, in the leg or arm – great. But if it’s more than that then, yes, you want to check with me whose blood is thicker, ours or theirs. It is clear to you that if one such person will manage to cross the fence or hide an explosive device there …


Nesiel: But we were taught that live fire is only used when the soldiers face immediate danger. … It does not do all that well for us, those pictures that are distributed around the world.

Anonymous ID: 37800f May 9, 2019, 4:40 p.m. No.6457684   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tech Companies Are Deleting Evidence of War Crimes


If grisly images stay up on Facebook or YouTube long enough, self-appointed detectives around the world sometimes use them to reconstruct a crime scene. In July 2017, a video capturing the execution of 18 people appeared on Facebook. The clip opened with a half-dozen armed men presiding over several rows of detainees. Dressed in bright-orange jumpsuits and black hoods, the captives knelt in the gravel, hands tied behind their back. They never saw what was coming. The gunmen raised their weapons and fired, and the first row of victims crumpled to the earth. The executioners repeated this act four times, following the orders of a confident young man dressed in a black cap and camouflage trousers. If you slowed the video down frame by frame, you could see that his black T-shirt bore the logo of the Al-Saiqa Brigade, an elite unit of the Libyan National Army. That was clue No. 1: This happened in Libya.


Facebook took down the bloody video, whose source has yet to be conclusively determined, shortly after it surfaced. But it existed online long enough for copies to spread to other social-networking sites. Independently, human-rights activists, prosecutors, and other internet users in multiple countries scoured the clip for clues and soon established that the killings had occurred on the outskirts of Benghazi. The ringleader, these investigators concluded, was Mahmoud Mustafa Busayf al-Werfalli, an Al-Saiqa commander. Within a month, the International Criminal Court had charged Werfalli with the murder of 33 people in seven separate incidents—from June 2016 to the July 2017 killings that landed on Facebook. In the ICC arrest warrant, prosecutors relied heavily on digital evidence collected from social-media sites.


Werfalli has thus far evaded justice. But human-rights activists still hail the case as a breakthrough for a powerful new tool: online open-source investigations. Even in no-go combat zones, war crimes and other abuses often leave behind an information trail. By piecing together information that becomes publicly accessible on social media and other sites, internet users can hold the perpetrators accountable—that is, unless algorithms developed by the tech giants expunge the evidence first.

Anonymous ID: 37800f May 9, 2019, 4:41 p.m. No.6457694   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Joe Biden’s Son Hunter Is Invested in China’s Mass Surveillance Program Used to Monitor Uyghurs


As the United Nations accuses the Chinese government of setting up massive camps in the far-west Xinjiang province to imprison an unknown number of ethnic Uyghurs and other Muslims, Human Rights Watch reports that China is carrying out mass surveillance there using a mobile app that lets authorities monitor the Muslim population. We speak with investigative reporter Lee Fang about an unexpected investor in Chinese surveillance: Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son. And we speak with Human Rights Watch China director Sophie Richardson.


When I saw the headline, the first thing I said was, “Of course he is.” What a shock the son of the guy who helped build the war on drug, wrote the 1994 crimes bill, and also authored the Patriot Act, would be invested in China’s mass surveillance program.


Here is Lee Fang’s article on the topic –

Anonymous ID: 37800f May 9, 2019, 4:43 p.m. No.6457709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7788 >>7818 >>7871

Eleven-year-old ‘Drag Kid’ now a spokeschild for Converse shoes


BOSTON, Massachusetts, May 9, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) ― An 11-year-old drag performer known as Desmond-is-Amazing is now a model for a shoe company.


The Converse footwear company, once known for its fashionable high top basketball shoes, has announced a new “partnership” with Desmond Napoles and five other “individuals connected with the LGBTQ+ community” to market its new “Pride collection.”


The announcement accompanied a photograph of Desmond dressed in a colorful shoulder-baring outfit and heavy makeup, posing suggestively before the five other models, including a man dressed as a woman and two women dressed as boys.


Publishing the news on Twitter, Converse said, “We're happy to launch our Pride Collection, partnering with six individuals connected to the LGBTQ+ community who show the power of expressing one's true self. Contributions are supporting @ItGetsBetter@OutMetroWest & @FenwayHealth.


“It Gets Better” and “Out Metro West” are LBGT charities, and “Fenway Health” is a Boston medical organization specializing in the health of people with same-sex attractions and HIV/AIDS research. Converse is a Boston company, owned by Nike.


Many Twitter reactions to the announcement focused on the exploitation of 11-year-old Desmond, which some commentators linked to the exploitation of workers in Nike sweatshops.


“Now that's true equality: child abuse in the USA to match the child abuse in foreign Converse sweatshops. Nothing or no-one should stand in the way of corporate greed,” tweeted Down children advocate Renate Lindeman and linked to an Oxfam article about abuse of workers in a Converse factory in Indonesia.


“Congrats on enabling child abuse here in America to go along with the children making your crummy shoes in sweatshops overseas,” tweeted John Hawkins.


Tamara Pfanstiel tweeted: “What they are doing to that child is abuse. Children aren’t supposed to be ‘sexy.’ That disgusting. Get a grip.”


Some LGBT advocates were disgusted that Converse was trying to appeal to buyers though the use of children.


“It's really painful trying to advocate for LGBT positivity when you see ACTUAL child sexualization lumped into it like a tumor. Whatever clueless executive signed off on this should be ashamed,” tweeted an individual called “F***ING FINALS RGC”.


Another Tweeter posted a video of Desmond pretending to snort club drug ketamine during a video appearance with an adult female impersonator or “drag queen.”


Desmond has been at the center of a controversy concerning his public appearances as a child drag performer. He first attracted public attention when he was filmed at age 10 onstage at RuPaul’s DragCon 2017. The famous host referred to the boy as “this gorgeous little queen.” The child subsequently appeared on Good Morning America and accepted engagements dancing in gay bars. He was filmed dancing in both New York and San Francisco as men threw money at him.


Desmond also appeared on a YouTube talk show hosted by Michael Alig, a 1990s New York dance club personality who spent almost 17 years in prison for manslaughter after the violent death and dismemberment of a drug dealer named Andre Melendez.


Public outcry has led to multiple complaints to several state social welfare departments against Desmond’s parents, Wendy and Andrew Napoles. However, Wendy Napoles recently stated on social media that she and her husband have been cleared of any neglect or wrongdoing and posted letters on Instagram from welfare agencies attesting to this. She has also stated that she and her husband do not profit from Desmond’s performances.


Desmond, who has autism, has stated that he is a homosexual.

Anonymous ID: 37800f May 9, 2019, 4:44 p.m. No.6457717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7818 >>7871

Nestle to cut 4,000 US jobs…


Nestle SA’s U.S. unit will dismiss about 4,000 workers as it stops delivering frozen pizza and ice cream directly to stores and transitions to a warehouse model that’s becoming an industry standard for Big Food companies looking to trim costs.


The company said Tuesday that it’s shutting down its direct-to-store delivery network for products like DiGiorno and Skinny Cow beginning in the third quarter. The change, announced at a shareholder event in Arlington, Virginia, means the elimination of an operation that now includes 230 facilities, 1,400 trucks and 2,000 different routes.


The unit was able to reduce costs but ultimately, the direct-to-store model was too expensive even once the company “reached the maximum point of efficiency,” Steve Presley, chief executive officer of Nestle USA, said in an interview. “You can’t have that duplicative cost in the structure.”


Nestle shares edged up 0.1 percent Wednesday in Zurich.

Legacy Model


The U.S. unit employs about 48,000 people, according to a spokeswoman, so the cuts represent about 8.3 percent of the workforce.


Shipping directly to grocery stores used to be more common, as it gave suppliers like Nestle eyes on the store and helped them quickly get products to shelf. But as companies look to cut costs, it often makes more sense to ship to warehouses. Nestle USA already uses the warehouse model for its frozen meals and snacks.


Presley said he isn’t concerned with losing space to sell Nestle’s products without its own delivery people in stores.

Anonymous ID: 37800f May 9, 2019, 4:45 p.m. No.6457728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7813 >>7818 >>7871

Colorado students walk out of school shooting vigil when politicians call for gun control


Students in Colorado stormed out of a vigil Wednesday night for the victims of this week’s school shooting at STEM School Highlands Ranch after two Democratic politicians took the stage and called for gun control, according to local news reports.


The two Democrats who spoke at the vigil were Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet, who is running for president, and Rep. Jason Crow, whose congressional district includes STEM.


“STEM School students walked out of a vigil tonight after @RepJasonCrow & @SenatorBennet spoke,” tweeted Kyle Clark, an anchor with 9NEWS in Denver. “Students said their grief was being politicized. They later returned, took the mic, and some said they didn’t want to be used to promote gun control.”


About 2,000 people packed a high school gym Wednesday night to remember 18-year-old Kendrick Castillo, who was shot and killed trying to tackle one of the shooters at STEM School Highlands Ranch on Tuesday.


Authorities have credited Castillo and two classmates with stopping the attack. Eight others were injured in the shooting.


According to the Denver Post, some of the students who walked out of the vigil on Wednesday night were chanting “mental health.”