Anonymous ID: 5f3b04 March 12, 2018, 7:32 p.m. No.646407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6548


Just my thoughts/reactions to your comment(s):


>Ive heard I formation regarding UFO's being able to travel under water and using it to hide the craft. Hannity is obviously priming us for an exterestrial interaction (as it is necessary to introduce them in a way as to not cause mass panic).

Not sure, but for some reason, Hannity did take this story. It is an interesting story given what the public knows about this kind of technology. I'm not sure one way or the other whether or not Q has goals regarding UFO technology disclosure.


>any craft with triangle design

The triangular design may just have to do with efficiency of shape given the contents of the craft. Without getting into detail, there are reasons one might design a craft that way and it may not be just because. Forward motion is the most common motion and that shape would lend itself to human piloting for the intended purpose.


>travel under water

I see no reason a craft with EM motivation can't go underwater. Make it watertight and supply the required gasses for the power system and human environment and have at it. The motivation would work in any medium the craft could move thorugh (air, water, space, etc.)


>all other UFOs don't need to worry about shape due to how their propulsion systems don't cause their craft to interact with atmosphere directly

I believe this to be the case. The classic 'flying saucer' shape would be the most efficient to reduce drag, but it is possible the triangular shape works better in practice for various reasons. I believe you are correct - the propulsion systems do not interact with anything. They're essentially 'black boxes' that want to go in a certain direction when active.


>Most of these craft use gen one propulsion systems that energy field manipulators can be seen to physically distort the surrounding area, like a mirage.

I dot not believe this is happening (cloaking.) The furthest I believe they're taking this is to be able to seed clouds around massive crafts (if such crafts exist, and I have reason to believe they do.)


>though not necessarily piloted by humans

Sorry, I do not see any reason anything but humans are involved. Occam's Razor applies here.


Just my $0.02.