Anonymous ID: 8ab285 March 12, 2018, 6:53 p.m. No.645876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5903 >>6024 >>6427 >>6472

Reposting for more comments!!!!

I was thinking today. We need to write up a news article. Remember that article from anon that justified the Steele dossier? We can do the same thing.


Donald Trump Jr gave us the ammo yesterday, reposting a fake CNN meme that came from here.


Before you freak out about what follows… this is my idea to TROLL the fake news media!!!!


The basic story would go like this:




Donald Trump Junior, and possibly the rest of the Trump family seem to be living in a strange alternative reality. They believe that they are communicating with 20 million Russian Bots on a board that is hosted on a website that is known as the darkest corner of the Internet. We have solid proof given to us that the Russian Bots are all in bot farms in Russia. The primary mission of these Russian Bots seems to be generating and collecting memes. They have been instructed to save every meme offline, and at last count, each Russian Bot has saved over 2,000 memes each. The Russian Bots then go on Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube spreading all of these memes everywhere, necessitating the defense of these other platforms from the Russian Bot Farmers. They have made it easy to ban and censor them, because they use easily recognized hashtags including #Qanon, #GreatAwakening, #POTUS, #InternetBillOfRights, and many other hashtags.


The primary leader of this strange alternative reality is some impressionable character who goes by the name of Qanon. Qanon generates such excitement from the Russian Bots every time that he posts, often garnering 75 to 100 replies on each one of his posts. For the record, a normal amount of replies to an individual Russian Bot is between one and zero. Nearly all of the Russian Bots that post on this board post as Anonymous, however, there are a few notable exceptions. Other people who post on this board include 11, who is rumored to be a certain woman that the rest of the Russian Bots do not like, National Archive Fag, which seems to be a Russian Bot who thinks he works at the Smithstonian, Qanon Map Maintainer, who somehow connects the primary leader's postings on another website, and last, a bot that goes by the name of Village Idiot who likes to generate randomly generated graphics and post on the board.


Things that the Russian Bots posting within this strange alternative reality seem to believe in include the following. Most Jewish people are very bad people. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are in prison at Guantanamo Bay, the location of the prison for the worst terrorists in the world. That the Parkland School shooting was a false flag somehow connected to the CIA and the FBI. It appears that they believe that Up is Down and Left is Right. One example that they point out is the fact that the Standard Hotel in Los Angeles has a logo that is upside down and backwards. They also believe that Pizzagate was a real thing, and had nothing to do with pizza. According to the Russian bots, it had everything to do with Hollywood types molesting young children.


According to the alternative reality that these Russian Bots believe in, the Democratic Party is full of demons and witches. They also believe that people that are in higher positions drink human blood to stay young and many other unspeakable things that aren't fit for print in a mainstream publication. Rod Rosentein and Robert Mueller are both conducting ineffective investigations, and will eventually complete their investigations having found absolutely no evidence of Russian Bots or Russian Collusion with Donald Trump in the 2016 Election.

Anonymous ID: 8ab285 March 12, 2018, 6:53 p.m. No.645882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5903

Part 2


They also say that there's evidence of 18,500 sealed indictments in a mythical Federal court system, and that they will be arresting a large segment of the American population very soon. They also believe that Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be stepping down very soon from the Supreme Court and that they were the reason that Anthony Kennedy announced his upcoming retirement from the Supreme Court.


We have no evidence that any of these claims are true, but we felt the need to report on these rampant rumors regarding Russian bots that have been circulating. Donald Trump Jr. has reposted a meme that was generated by a random Russian Bot. The Russian Bots also believe that President Donald Trump is communicating with them directly through groups of tweets, misspellings, random pictures, and the letter Q. We have evidence that there is a remote viewer who is directing the Russian Bot that goes by Qanon that can actually match word for word what President Trump is saying in his tweets.


We truly hope that Donald Trump Jr wakes up from this strange alternative reality that he seems to be sucked into and realize that it's all a fantasy auto generated by 20 million Russian Bots. We strongly encourage President Trump to appoint a special counsel specifically directed at investigating this board called "The Darkest Corner of the Internet" and shine a strong light at the Russian Bots responsible. We believe that President Trump along with his Special Counsel will be able to prove without a doubt that this is a fantasy and there is nothing to the whole game. There is actually a word for this on those boards, It's called a LARP which stands for Live Action Role Playing. It doesn't appear that any of the action on these boards is live, and that all of the posts by Anonymous are actually Russian Trolls.

Anonymous ID: 8ab285 March 12, 2018, 6:56 p.m. No.645903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6089


Go for it!!!!!!


I can think of more shit to write that would be the truth but this was long enough for now.


I reposted here for more comments.




PERFECT Timing over the next couple days as they're trying to discredit us any way that they can and we need to get the word out so more people know what we're doing.


I don't give a shit if the FAKE news calls us FAKE news… most people can see right through the bullshit.

Anonymous ID: 8ab285 March 12, 2018, 7 p.m. No.645958   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I got a standing ovation. In fact, they said it was the biggest standing ovation since Peyton Manning had won the Super Bowl, and they said it was equal. I got a standing ovation. It lasted for a long period of time."


– President Trump


"I live for the applause, applause, applause


"I live for the applause-plause, live for the applause-plause"


– Lady Gaga

Anonymous ID: 8ab285 March 12, 2018, 7 p.m. No.645967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6032 >>6102

WASHINGTON – Many are denouncing President Trump for saying that those who didn't applaud him during his State of the Union address were "un-American" and guilty of the capital offense of treason. But where others see outrage, I see opportunity.


So in need of praise is this fragile man that the lavishing or withholding of this commodity could be a negotiating tool: He gets more applause if he brings less crazy.


His need for us to rise and put hands together is so potent that, last month in Nashville, he commanded an audience to "get up" and give him a standing ovation. He further informed them that "you are so lucky that I gave you that privilege" of voting for him.


During last week's State of the Union address, Trump applauded himself – noisily – several times and at one point beckoned to Democrats to applaud, putting his hands to his ears.


In October, Trump boasted no fewer than four times about the applause he had been given at a meeting with Senate Republicans: "Multiple standing ovations! … a love fest with standing ovations. … Really, they just gave me a standing O!" During the campaign and even earlier, he tweeted about his O's.

Anonymous ID: 8ab285 March 12, 2018, 7:02 p.m. No.645996   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Conversely, the president is angry when he does not hear clapping. At a Republican congressional retreat last week, he complained that during his address, Democrats "sat there stone cold, no smile, no applause." By Monday, he had a solution: "Can we call that treason? Why not? I mean, they certainly didn't seem to love our country very much."


But perhaps there is a different solution, short of sending two-thirds of Americans to the electric chair. I propose a national service program based on applause. We'll call it AmeriClaps.


Millions of AmeriClaps volunteers will applaud Trump daily. In exchange, Trump will agree to cease governing, leaving that to members of Congress, governors and a board of overseers selected by random digit dialing. The contribution categories:


Putin Level


Putin-Level Applauders will agree to clap for the president for 60 minutes a year, accompanied by mild praise of the sort given Trump by Russian President Vladimir Putin: "He is a very bright person, talented without any doubt."


Congressional Level


Congressional-Level Applauders will agree to clap for the president for at least five hours annually, accompanied by moderate praise such as that given by Republican lawmakers after the tax cut: hailing Trump for "exquisite presidential leadership" (House Speaker Paul D. Ryan), having "a year of extraordinary accomplishment" and holding "the record" (Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell).



Anonymous ID: 8ab285 March 12, 2018, 7:09 p.m. No.646092   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And that is the reason why I dropped it here on the chan for someone else to take to the media. If you think it's worthy that's on you. I just wrote the story.

Anonymous ID: 8ab285 March 12, 2018, 7:15 p.m. No.646180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6239



Should be able to long press and save the graphic? if you're on phone or tablet?


Computer right click and save graphic?


Tell me what you're on and I'll see if I can figure something out.

Anonymous ID: 8ab285 March 12, 2018, 7:17 p.m. No.646201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6416


I understand. I also understand that the fake news needs fake stories to discredit them even more. That's why this story was written in hyperbole. I'm not taking it to the media, only dropping on the chan.

Anonymous ID: 8ab285 March 12, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.646280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6323


should be able to tap and hold over the picture until the popup comes up, then tap "save image"


That's assuming you're in safari…. if you're in a chan app it could be different.



is the graphic to make it easy for you to navigate back.