JMHO, bad idea. Why would you want to attract anymore attention here like that? FFS enough with the Russian bots. The lefty dems will be glad to grab ahold of this shit & use it against all that we are trying to do here. There are a world full of idiots out there-some will believe every word. Low IQ out the ass, people.
Y'all need to rethink this. I'm telling you, it's not a good idea. You could turn some of the Trump train people from what they have learned & believe. Most people won't even actually READ through the whole story. Just throwing this out here.
He didn't you jerk.
That's so very hard. Just remember he will be waiting for you at the rainbow bridge. I will say a prayer for you & your best friend. God bless, anon.
I understand. Thanks for the response, anon.