Anonymous ID: 547d58 May 9, 2019, 10:02 p.m. No.6460524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0802

Some Hillary Billary taught me the "Ropes"

Like my Fathers Foundation Logo?


A $928,000 gift from European Climate Foundation founder McCall MacBain to 2015 Federal Election candidate Justin Trudeau represents the largest bribery scandal in Canadian history, claim inside sources.


The gift from McCall MacBain (European Climate Foundation) is defined by the criminal code of Canada as CRIMINAL OFFENCES of: foreign influenced activity (defined by Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act as threats to the security of Canada).


Evidence supporting charge that McCall MacBain did in fact donate gift of $928,000 to influence/lobby Trudeau in his capacity as Prime Mister of Canada was first made known in a National Post article “Money began to rain on Trudeau Foundation once Justin took over Liberals, analysis shows.” In that article it was confirmed that, “one in six donors (to Trudeau family foundation) have affiliations with organizations currently lobbying the government.”


The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation is an independent and non-partisan charity established in 2001 as a living memorial to the former prime minister. How often has this organization been mentioned or written up within Canadian media? Never is a reasonable guess.


After Justin Trudeau became prime minister in 2015, donations to the Trudeau Family Foundation SKYROCKETED. How many Canadians are aware of this? Very few, because establishment media either refused to report the fact, or diluted the information within their coverage. How many Canadians are even aware of the Trudeau Foundation PERIOD?

Anonymous ID: 547d58 May 10, 2019, 12:01 a.m. No.6460902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0906 >>0953

Laser Focused?


President Donald Trump intends to nominate acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan as the new Secretary of Defense, according to a White House press release.


“Based upon his outstanding service to the Country and his demonstrated ability to lead, President Trump intends to nominate Patrick M. Shanahan to be the Secretary of Defense,” said White House press secretary Sarah Sanders.


Shanahan has previously served as deputy secretary of defense and vice president of supply chain and operations at Boeing.


President Trump intends to nominate Patrick M. Shanahan as Secretary of Defense.


— Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) May 9, 2019


“Acting Secretary Shanahan has proven over the last several months that he is beyond qualified to lead the Department of Defense, and he will continue to do an excellent job,” said Sanders in the statement.