Anonymous ID: b30866 May 10, 2019, 4:46 a.m. No.6461414   🗄️.is đź”—kun

BTW anons…


baker here…

so yesterday, I titled bread #8254, I Love the Smell of Self-Deportation in the Morning


We are the news, cause i got hit hard by shills once the bread was posted. Tells me that MSM monitors this board all the time.


Be advised.


Anonymous ID: b30866 May 10, 2019, 5:03 a.m. No.6461465   🗄️.is đź”—kun


sorry not to include in my initial response.


not that far back I'm afraid, but i may be wrong. I would start looking at archived bread from about a year ago. that would be about right timing for the initial digs. Just when anons discovered the connection.


good luck.

Anonymous ID: b30866 May 10, 2019, 5:20 a.m. No.6461516   🗄️.is đź”—kun

notables bun @ 500


Finally hitting 500 posts in this marathon bread.



>>6461470 New DJT twat w/CAP: Build your products in the United States and there are NO TARIFFS!

>>6461456 'Not above the law': Trump indictment in play after presidency, James Comey says

>>6461452 James Comey blasts Rod Rosenstein, mocks departing deputy AG for thinking 'the country needs me'

>>6461442 New DJT twat w/CAP: The average 401(k) balance has SOARED since the bottom of the market - 466%. Wow!

>>6461402 2 Nissan execs avoid prosecution under plea deal

>>6461377 New DJT twat w/CAP: We have lost 500 Billion Dollars a year, for many years, on Crazy Trade with China. NO MORE!

>>6461371, >>6461425, >>6461449 POTUS twat storm from 5 devices. Is twatter fvckery in play? twats deleted, reposted.

>>6461338 Muh sky is falling. Today’s 4:00 am talking points. MSM on US/China trade war

>>6461323 US indicts Chinese national in biggest known healthcare hack in its history

>>6461319 Chelsea Manning released after 2 months' detention, might be back in jail in 6 days

>>6461281 anon posts 1 year delta Q Drop: Stay the Course and Trust the Plan

>>6461244 Florida: in the first 3 months of 2019, Republicans added 3,850 voters to the rolls, while democrats saw their numbers drop by 9,672.

Baker Change

>>6461128 European shares bounce off six week lows on trade deal hopes

>>6461116 Planefag report USNavy

>>6461077 SF Dem under fire for repeated use of N-word during committee meeting

Anonymous ID: b30866 May 10, 2019, 6:02 a.m. No.6461670   🗄️.is đź”—kun

final call for notables @ 650



>>6461651 New DJT twat w/CAP: Your all time favorite President got tired of waiting for China to help out and start buying from our FARMERS…

>>6461538, >>6461594 anon's theory on DJT twatter issues this morning.

>>6461470 New DJT twat w/CAP: Build your products in the United States and there are NO TARIFFS!

>>6461456 'Not above the law': Trump indictment in play after presidency, James Comey says

>>6461452 James Comey blasts Rod Rosenstein, mocks departing deputy AG for thinking 'the country needs me'

>>6461442 New DJT twat w/CAP: The average 401(k) balance has SOARED since the bottom of the market - 466%. Wow!

>>6461402 2 Nissan execs avoid prosecution under plea deal

>>6461377 New DJT twat w/CAP: We have lost 500 Billion Dollars a year, for many years, on Crazy Trade with China. NO MORE!

>>6461371, >>6461425, >>6461449 POTUS twat storm from 5 devices. Is twatter fvckery in play? twats deleted, reposted.

>>6461338 Muh sky is falling. Today’s 4:00 am talking points. MSM on US/China trade war

>>6461323 US indicts Chinese national in biggest known healthcare hack in its history

>>6461319 Chelsea Manning released after 2 months' detention, might be back in jail in 6 days

>>6461281 anon posts 1 year delta Q Drop: Stay the Course and Trust the Plan

>>6461244 Florida: in the first 3 months of 2019, Republicans added 3,850 voters to the rolls, while democrats saw their numbers drop by 9,672.

Baker Change

>>6461128 European shares bounce off six week lows on trade deal hopes

>>6461116 Planefag report USNavy

>>6461077 SF Dem under fire for repeated use of N-word during committee meeting


baking in a few

Anonymous ID: b30866 May 10, 2019, 6:12 a.m. No.6461711   🗄️.is đź”—kun

final bun for #8262


Put this marathon bread down to rest.



>>6461676 New DJT twat w/CAP: Great Consumer Price Index just out. Really good, very low inflation! We have a great chance to “really rock!”…

>>6461651 New DJT twat w/CAP: Your all time favorite President got tired of waiting for China to help out and start buying from our FARMERS…

>>6461538, >>6461594 anon's theory on DJT twatter issues this morning.

>>6461470 New DJT twat w/CAP: Build your products in the United States and there are NO TARIFFS!

>>6461456 'Not above the law': Trump indictment in play after presidency, James Comey says

>>6461452 James Comey blasts Rod Rosenstein, mocks departing deputy AG for thinking 'the country needs me'

>>6461442 New DJT twat w/CAP: The average 401(k) balance has SOARED since the bottom of the market - 466%. Wow!

>>6461402 2 Nissan execs avoid prosecution under plea deal

>>6461377 New DJT twat w/CAP: We have lost 500 Billion Dollars a year, for many years, on Crazy Trade with China. NO MORE!

>>6461371, >>6461425, >>6461449 POTUS twat storm from 5 devices. Is twatter fvckery in play? twats deleted, reposted.

>>6461338 Muh sky is falling. Today’s 4:00 am talking points. MSM on US/China trade war

>>6461323 US indicts Chinese national in biggest known healthcare hack in its history

>>6461319 Chelsea Manning released after 2 months' detention, might be back in jail in 6 days

>>6461281 anon posts 1 year delta Q Drop: Stay the Course and Trust the Plan

>>6461244 Florida: in the first 3 months of 2019, Republicans added 3,850 voters to the rolls, while democrats saw their numbers drop by 9,672.

Baker Change

>>6461128 European shares bounce off six week lows on trade deal hopes

>>6461116 Planefag report USNavy

>>6461077 SF Dem under fire for repeated use of N-word during committee meeting