Anonymous ID: e0de74 May 10, 2019, 12:42 a.m. No.6461026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1130

Some interdasting Air Force One cup-holder links that may point to today or tomorrow–[8 oclock] on Qclock & cup-holders adjacent forming 8. Marco Rubio hands may be making a 5 & 1 or 1 out of 5 formation which might work for 5/10 or 5/11.


Today aligns with 11/11, 9/12, 01/10…Q-drop 2-part post had 10:01 delta between…works well with 11/11 and 01/10 dates AND 10:01 could be seen as 11 total, and July 4th post date was on [28] and [29] and today is [39] (10 & 11 days later).

Anonymous ID: e0de74 May 10, 2019, 2:06 a.m. No.6461151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1166




I feel like I could make compelling arguments for so many things on so many dates that it becomes kind of pointless, other than for fun/preparing to clock-document it after the fact. Your 5/24 (2 days early) certainly aligns with JFKJR's 2018 birthday and precedes dad's 2019 birthday by 5 days.


We'll see what happens. Fun to tinker with, but screw making predictions. That ship has sailed. I've gotten like 2 date predictions right and I've had like 150 fails. Kek.

Anonymous ID: e0de74 May 10, 2019, 2:41 a.m. No.6461191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1201


Agreed. If I don't have a clock printed out on my desk to grab from time to time, I become irritable. Your Russel clock doesn't quite mirror what's coming up, unless flipping the 6 to a 9 is a thing, which it most certainly can be, it would seem…and today's 39. The Qclock-gods may say 36 is convertible into 39, kek. We'll see what happens, but I Am Foreseeing false flag fireworks of one sort or another. I guess +35 would be a "30-mirror" when accounting for the +5 annual bump. Possibilities abound. My reaction to whatever might happen will be…logical.