Has anyone else noticed (I have a mac and can only guess it might be the same with PC's) that when clicking on the "time and temperature" feature, a "prior result" is temporarily displayed until the system "updates" to give the current time and temperature. It's occasionally occurred to me that the "prior" time and temp briefly displayed before the "update" is NOT a time or temp even remotely resembling the previous inquiry time OR temp, and that they can seem to be what I'll call "prevailing Q-friendly digits"?
For example, I just checked for the first time today and it initially showed 64 degrees and 11:26, neither of which seemed to align with the last time I checked. Reverse "64" is "46" and it's been an endlessly-present digit lately. 11:26 seemed also suspicious from a "clock's maximum limitations" perpespective, but I also looked up Q1126 and it's about the importance of having a clean house. Today just happens to be "National Clean Up Your Room Day." Coincidence? I'm increasingly persuaded to say "absolutely not."