Wray promoted and praises Weissmann. Wray is a swamp critter. Also, he blamed Potus for the govt shutdown.
I-Drive is a tourist trap. No apartments. Hotel/motel/souvenier strip malls and activity centers like Fun Spot.
I understnd, that's why I was telling you the layout, fyi. If you look at the street view, that particular stretch has no buildings near the road. It's likely a tourbus crash. It's not a high speed travel road and is usually very busy.
If you paid attention to Congressional testimony last year and watch docs released, you would know alot of what Joe knows. That FISC investigation the the court released a redacted version on has alot of info in it. Didn't need to come from a Justice. It's already public.Horowitz's testimony last year had a lot of nuggets in it.
I trust Sundance as much as I trust any "news" source. Take it with a grain of salt. IMO, Carter and Solomon have mulitple sources. Meadows could be one…or not.
Joe said "we forgot something" . Tells me it was already public knowledge but little fanfare was made of it. It must already be public knowledge of what "report" is due out 'now', based on him saying it 2 weeks ago. Only time will tell what he was talking about.
Ahhhh…I think it might have just come to me. Doug Collins will be releasing more closed door testimony next week. I got the impression more was going to be released this week, but wasn't because of the Barr fiasco. BUT, Comey tesitifed before Congress in closed door testimony, correct? Will it be shown that he said one thing behind closed doors and another in public?
Other anon said:
>Joe knew that the FISA court already held hearings against the FBI; no way to know that unless…..
I disputed that. Again, it is public knowledge the FISC court reprimanded the FBI for it's abuse of FISA. I brought up last year's testimony to further point out it is public knowledge that FISC was suppose to be investigating FISA abuse as early as 2017. Stop being such a dick about it.
I read there's 53 moar transcripts to be released. That's alot. Even at 2 a day, that's only 10 per week. Could take another 5 weeks before they are all released. I'd like to know the criteria Doug is using to determine which gets released next.
>Would think the Comey one will be among the last tho.
I tend to agree.