Anonymous ID: 8e83d4 May 10, 2019, 9:27 a.m. No.6462794   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2833 >>3190

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan attacks 'Satanic Jews' but insists he 'does not hate Jewish people' in sermon at Catholic church after being invited by controversial pastor


Louis Farrakhan has insisted he does 'not hate the Jewish people' and only seeks to 'separate the good Jews from the Satanic Jews' in a sermon at a Catholic church.


The Nation of Islam leader, 85, was invited to speak at the Saint Sabina Catholic Church in Chicago on May 9 - one week after he was barred from Facebook for violating their ban on 'dangerous individuals.'


In the speech, he claimed he had not said 'one word of hate' while asserting 'I am not a misogynist. I'm not a homophobe,' the New York Post reported.

Anonymous ID: 8e83d4 May 10, 2019, 9:35 a.m. No.6462871   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2914

Pentagon to transfer $1.5 billion to border wall from Afghan forces, other areas


Acting U.S. Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan has approved the transfer of $1.5 billion to build more than 80 miles of barriers on the border with Mexico, U.S. official said on Friday, including taking about $600 million in savings from an account meant for Afghan security forces.

The latest move comes on top of a March transfer of $1 billion in military money to fund President Donald Trump’s wall, something lawmakers were highly critical of.


“The funds were drawn from a variety of sources, including cost savings, programmatic changes and revised requirements, and therefore will have minimal impact on force readiness,” Shanahan said in a statement.

Shanahan said that the U.S. military had more than 4,000 service members on the border along with 19 aircraft.


A U.S. official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the latest transfer would include $604 million from funds for the Afghan security forces, which are struggling to hold territory against Taliban militants.

The United States had appropriated $4.9 billion in support for Afghan security forces for fiscal year 2019. The official said the money was taken from that account because they found savings in contracts.

“It is not reflective of anything related to our commitment … It took less money to meet the policy commitment than we thought,” another U.S. official said, adding that this was not the first time the United States had reprogrammed money from the account.


The move comes as the United States is in talks with the Taliban to end the more than 17-year-old war. U.S. and Taliban negotiators wrapped up their sixth round of peace talks on Thursday with “some progress” made on a draft agreement for when foreign troops might withdraw from Afghanistan.

But there is concern that the over-stretched Afghan forces could crumble if U.S. troops leave the country.

Anonymous ID: 8e83d4 May 10, 2019, 9:43 a.m. No.6462936   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Dozens feared dead as migrant boat capsizes off Tunisia


Dozens of migrants are thought to have died after their boat capsized in the Mediterranean off the coast of Tunisia.

At least 50 people died in the incident, with 16 survivors, the UN's International Organization for Migration says.

But Tunisian state media report that 70 migrants drowned about 74km (46 miles) off Sfax, south of the capital Tunis.

Tunisian officials reportedly believe the ship set off from Zuwara in Libya.

Only three bodies have reportedly been recovered from the scene so far, and the navy is searching for others.

A statement from the Tunisian defence ministry reportedly said the navy had despatched a ship as soon as it heard about the incident and came across a fishing boat picking up survivors. All 16 have now been moved to the navy ship.

The passengers are understood to have been from sub-Saharan Africa.

Thousands of migrants attempt to cross the Mediterranean to Europe every year.

But they often travel in poorly maintained and overcrowded ships, and many have died on the journey.

In January, a UN report said six migrants died crossing the Mediterranean every day in 2018.