What I will need from you now is a commitment. You will listen closely, and you will not judge me until I am finished.
If you cannot commit to this, then please leave. But if you choose to stay, remember you chose to be here.
What happens from this moment forward is not my responsibility. It's yours.
< Pay attention.
Human Network Analysis and Targeting (HNAT)
HNAT is used to interdict, neutralize, and isolate threat networks. It primarily consists of advanced intelligence analytic procedures and techniques, such as Social Network Analysis (SNA), Link, Pattern, and Associative Analysis.
It is enabled by tools such as network analysis software, target development, and nomination processes.
< Q:
https:// gt.foreignpolicy.com/2017/profile/jason-matheny?b38e3451bc=&c0244ec121=
< What we are looking at:
https:// www.thecipherbrief.com/column/agenda-setter/use-whats-known-get-unknowns?utm_source=Join+the+Community+Subscribers&utm_campaign=6cefd5fe9d-TCB+December+1+2017&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_02cbee778d-6cefd5fe9d-103647429
< Puzzle pieces
https:// breakingdefense.com/2017/06/iarpa-amon-hen-aladdin-video-improving-space-isr-intel/
https:// www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-u-s-government-launches-a-100-million-apollo-project-of-the-brain/