Anonymous ID: 4831e6 March 12, 2018, 8:03 p.m. No.646768   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I’m starting to send this to libs who want to antagonize conservative viewpoints on social media. Feel free to share it.


Intel Committee Probe:

No Russian collusion-

Mueller investigation will now have to close with same conclusion.


"But Stormy Daniels!"


Give it up you fucking libtards. You know who's a dictatorial Nazi? The people who block anyone from saying anything they disagree with, those who are so triggered by discussion that they pull out the “intersectional identity politics,” those that prevent speakers they dislike from speaking on college campuses to people who want to hear them, those that create violent protests and blockades of political rallies, those that call people a Nazi, anti-Semite, racist, sexist, homophobe.

Need me to spell it out in a Sesame Street way you can understand?

YOU are the fucking Nazi, you liberal fuck!

Learn history, maybe you won't repeat it.