Interesting posts..,
<Netanyahu has his resignation pre-recorded and ready. The Alliance forced this upon him late last year.
That can worsen the things in Israel?
<It is all soft disclosure.
Another call to Brussels?
Very interesting.., in so..SA is the Bridge between US and Russia/China.., for some News, it say that SA is with talks with the Petro-Yuan (at first, I thought that it was for harm US.., but I think that it's for to give support to the Economic of the US (Aramco).
The stragegy of the White hats is very intelligent (SA has the 2nd in Oil Reserves of the World).. SA doesn't only the Bridge for US., ethically also is the Bridge (Islam-Mecca) for the Peace with Palestine.
The priority Now is Iran-Turkey., it's very dangerous for Europe the Union of the 2 pillars (Persian Empire), Remember 300 (Movie) and the Q post Spartans in the Darkness? .., it's precisely a huge operation in Greece., Turkey has to be stoped. The Turks also is the bridge for the Immigration (Muslim Paws) and Iran also.
Although.., I don't understand., the Why Trump doesn't go with HRC, Hussein, etc first that NK, Iran, Vzla, etc…
PS: The Princess Diana was a true princess for the people., what a pity his murded.
Who Knows., it's a mystery.
Hmmm.., Gray hat.
Correct, and more in this time.., it's for let a big legacy for the Next Generations. With only the Peace with N.. He shut up all the MSM and his propaganda.. it's incredible what is happening in Whole world., As a light of the Hope has begun in this land of the Darkness.,
Sometimes., the people has to happen difficulties for to find the Light. it's happening in US, or Europe (Germany, France, Italy)
it's an advice.., there is a lot of problems in the US for to go for the world before. As the trap in the Elections of the Congress. for that JA denounced that four times.
What a Great.., More Censorship!