The need to record everything because hillary can't remember shit anymore..
IMHO they are begging for asylum in any country, but are getting rejected all over the world…
Needs "no deal with India"
Yep.. Like in "half life" bio suit / nano suit…
then someone just needs a joystick and they can control that puppet like never before… hahaha
Zoom 5 microphone.. Been talked about a lot already…
Hamsted is a good intro to pedogate..
I was thinking of another targeted meme war, to get the media to call us bots or russians again..
Play the cards..
Any publicity is good publicity… People will hear about us more and more, and then the truth will come out sooner and not be such a shock to everyone. We need to reach more people
everytime we were on the news, there were many newfags here..
Wait till the HRC vid drops and everyone sees that they have such a distain for everyone, then it will be easier for everything to come out.
"Keep them poor, keep them starving, keep them stupid" TOXIC!!!!
I BET that MSM were in the room and it was a briefing… Also other politicians
Weird… Arnie is a massive MK Ultra child.. Look at his SS bloodline…
But (((their))) man @snowden is no longer a free man when he walked over the bridge in the opposite direction…