In late 1864, James Clerk Maxwell published his epic material on electromagnetic waves.
His material dealt not only with electrical and magnetic waves, but also the relativistic/ etherial psycho-active component of these waves (representing electromagnetics of the second order and above).
The equations also included transformations that enabled the change from inertial frames of reference to non-inertial frames of reference. Maxwell’s original equations were written in Quaternion notation, a complex mathematical system available at that time before Vector Analysis was introduced by Oliver Heaviside. Today’s generalized equivalent of Quaternions is Tensors.
In short, Maxwell’s original work gave the necessary information for gravitational propulsion and psychoactive devices. Someone somewhere recognized this, for shortly after his death, the mathematician Oliver Heaviside, the chemist Willard Gibbs, and physicist Heinrich Hertz decided to "edit" or "interpret" Maxwells famous equations which were, in the original form, the foundations of electromagnetics and Unified Field Theory (UFT).
This "unholy trio," especially Heaviside, disregarded the Quaternions or Scalar components of Maxwells original equations, because they represented potentials and not fields. He thought potentials were akin to "mysticism", because "everybody knows that fields contain mass, and mass cannot be created from apparently nothing, which is what potentials are, both literally and mathematically; they are an accumulation or reservoir of energy. Furthermore, not only did they throw away the gravitational component with the Quaternion/Scalar, but also postulated that gravitation and electro- magnetism were mutually exclusive, not interdependent. That was the death blow to subsequent efforts by scientists to realize a functioning unified field theory.
Because of this one act, electromagnetism was reduced from its original five dimensions to only four: X, Y, Z, and time. The element of G was removed.
Because of this deliberate act, twenty-two other errors exist today in electromagnetic theory. The very concepts of force, mass and charge are ill-defined, and the so-called "static" electrical charge has been discovered by Quantum mechanics not to be static at all, but to move rotationally by virtue of the quantum mechanical spin.
Finally, adding insult to injury, the so-called "imaginary components" of Maxwells original equations as well as the mutilated version of the equations have also been discarded or ignored. With this last error, the door to hyperspacial domains was forever closed, for the present mathematics and physics of electromagnetic theory do not allow for hyperspacial domains (domains out- side of three dimensions), superluminal signals (signals that exceed the speed of light or are infinite in speed), and a unified field theory.
The edited version of Maxwells work, which every physicist and engineer has had to contend with, discards electrogravitation, and avoids the unification of gravitation and electromagnetics. It also prevents the direct engineering of gravitation, space-time, time flow rates, free energy devices, and quantum changes, which is viewed by the altered equations that are vector-based as only a statistical change.
The quaternion approach captures the ability to utilize electromagnetics and produce local curvature of spacetime. Heaviside wrote a subset of Maxwell’s equations where this capability is excluded.
Dr. Henry Monteith has independently discovered that Maxwell’s original quaternion theory was a unified field theory.
Einstein assumed, because he only had access to the altered equations, that curving spacetime could only be achieved by the weak gravitational force due to mass, that the local frame would always be a Lorentz frame, which would mean that all operations would be constrained to conservation laws of physics.