The Luciferian leaders of the Jews always push to hard and a country finds out what they are doing. They are the bringers of vice. They supply the slaves, the alcohol and act as tax collectors. They work with the Royalty of a country to help keep the Jews isolated so they dont develop strong dies to other people. So they wont have divided loyalties. The Jews at the top want and demand they are the only ones to administer laws to the Jews. So the Jews are the original no go areas. When a king wants to make it legal for jews to own land and stuff in the open the Jews would bribe other officials to make it harder.
They do thrive on oppression. For the leaders of the Jews to keep this control the other Jews have to be in constant fear. So a little Pogrom or two goes a long way. It strenghs the narrative that "you cant trust those dirty goyim". When in fact they did most of it to themselves.
It is a control technique they have used since before Jesus.
The Levites were the leadership tribe. They scattered the Levites around to all the other tribes...and the other tribes had to feed and house them at the other tribes expenses.
Everything they do is like a corporation. Top down. They dont tell the people below the truth.