Anonymous ID: 3bb3dd May 10, 2019, 2:27 p.m. No.6465297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5314

Lookie here anon's, it ain't personnel, and you knew this day would come. 2020 is off and running and politic's will take the front seat. That means a military op, lead by some letter ( Like some seasome street game), is not politically advantageous.


Sure they want to keep you in it until 2020, but let's face political facts here. You can see it in Q posts, mission accomplished, now the ramp down. That is why we have Captcha, to pump the brakes and slowly pat this down to avoid political consequences.


You have served your purpose, and after re-election, he won't even need that support.


So maybe Q is for real, but we will only know if Trump is for real, until after re-election and at that point there will be no refunds anyway.


It only seems fitting that right at the point anon's really think "it's" going to happen, Q will be paused and any real action, if there is any, will be after 2020, so don't keep the receipts.