Anonymous ID: c9eb10 May 10, 2019, 1:39 p.m. No.6464878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5040

Judicial Watch: Records Obtained in Court-Ordered Discovery Reveal Obama White House Tracking FOIA Request for Clinton Emails


‘WH called – have we received a FOIA request’ – State Department


(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it obtained 44 pages of records from the State Department through court-ordered discovery revealing that the Obama White House was tracking a December 2012 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking records concerning then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of an unsecure, non-government email system. Months after the Obama White House involvement, the State Department responded to the requestor, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), falsely stating that no such records existed.


Judicial Watch’s discovery is centered upon whether Clinton intentionally attempted to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a non-government email system and whether the State Department acted in bad faith in processing Judicial Watch’s FOIA request for communications from Clinton’s office. U.S District Court Judge Royce Lamberth ordered Obama administration senior State Department officials, lawyers, and Clinton aides, as well as E.W. Priestap, to be deposed or answer written questions under oath. The court ruled that the Clinton email system was “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.”


The State Department’s Office of Inspector General issued a report in January 2016 saying “At the time the request was received, dozens of senior officials throughout the Department, including members of Secretary Clinton’s immediate staff, exchanged emails with the Secretary using the personal accounts she used to conduct official business.” Also, the IG “found evidence that [Clinton Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills] was informed of the request at the time it was received …”


The State Department produced records in response to court-ordered document requests that detail Obama White House involvement in the Clinton email FOIA request.


In a December 20, 2012, email with the subject line “Need to track down a FOIA request from CREW”, Sheryl L. Walter, director of the State Department’s Office of Information Programs and Services (A/GIS/IPS), writes to IPS officials Rosemary D. Reid and Patrick D. Scholl and their assistants:


WH called – have we received a FOIA request from CREW (Citizens for Responsible Ethics in Washington) on the topic of personal use of email by senior officials? Apparently other agencies have. If we have it, can you give me the details so I can call the WH back? I think they’d like it on quick turnaround. Thanks! Sheryl

Anonymous ID: c9eb10 May 10, 2019, 1:41 p.m. No.6464898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5030 >>5078 >>5209 >>5424

CIA and Mossad conflating intelligence to push US into military conflict with Iran: Expert


America’s CIA and Israel’s Mossad are conflating and distorting intelligence to push the United States into a military conflict with Iran, according to Scott Bennett, a former US military psychological warfare officer and political commentator.


Bennett made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Thursday while commenting on a statement by American Muslim Representative Ilhan Omar who has accused the Donald Trump administration of preparing the ground for direct confrontation with Iran using inflated intelligence data.


The lawmaker said on Wednesday that the US intelligence community was making up excuses to justify hostile anti-Iran policies just as it did before the invasion of Iraq in 2003.


Bennett told Press TV that “the recent developments between Iran and the United States and Israel are sadly coming to a very potential boiling point and it’s problematic, and ironically one of the few people who have pointed out truth of this is Representative Ilhan Omar.”


“And I think she is very right on and she is accurate when she says certain people are producing false intelligence and manipulating the president into a misdirected, misunderstood confrontation with Iran,” he stated.


“And I think she speaks from the vast majority of Americans who share the same sentiments, who may not agree with her politically, philosophically or religiously, however, the American people sense in their heart that what Ilhan Omar is saying is absolutely true, and that is certain people, certain industry, specifically the military-industrial complex and certain war mongering Zionists, and other parties including Benjamin Netanyahu, and members of the [US] intelligence community and Mossad, and Israel and Britain, MI6, and the United States’ CIA all have been conflating and distorting intelligence and manipulating it to President Trump’s mind and sadly pushing him into a potential conflict by overreaction and other accelerating provocative counter measures to Iran’s very understandable and justifiable response to its natural resources being cut off, and economic sanctions strangling them, to the point of a very similar scenario between the United States and Japan in 1940,” he pointed out.

Anonymous ID: c9eb10 May 10, 2019, 1:42 p.m. No.6464908   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mueller Will Not Testify Before Congress Next Week – Nadler Floats Subpoena Threat


Robert Mueller will not be testifying before Congress next week as House Dems hoped for.


Democrats were eyeing a May 15 testimony, however those tentative plans never materialized.


House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) told reporters on Friday that Robert Mueller will not testify before the Committee next week.


“We’re talking to the Department of Justice. We’re talking to Mueller. Hopefully he will come in. It won’t be next week,” Nadler said.


The New York Democrat then floated a subpoena threat, “He will come at some point. If necessary, we will subpoena him and he will come.”


NBC News reported last Friday that House Dems were in discussions directly with Mueller’s team. Previously, the Judiciary Committee had been in discussions with the Justice Department regarding Mueller’s hearing.


Attorney General Bill Barr said last Wednesday during the Senate hearing that he does not object to Mueller testifying before Congress, however, President Trump doesn’t want the special counsel to be given another opportunity to smear him and his associates.


The Democrats want Mueller to testify because they are looking for a “redo” Trump said on Sunday.


TRUMP: “After spending more than $35,000,000 over a two year period, interviewing 500 people, using 18 Trump Hating Angry Democrats & 49 FBI Agents – all culminating in a more than 400 page Report showing NO COLLUSION – why would the Democrats in Congress now need Robert Mueller to testify.” Trump said in a Tweet Sunday, adding, “Are they looking for a redo because they hated seeing the strong NO COLLUSION conclusion? There was no crime, except on the other side (incredibly not covered in the Report), and NO OBSTRUCTION. Bob Mueller should not testify. No redos for the Dems!

Anonymous ID: c9eb10 May 10, 2019, 1:50 p.m. No.6464979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5025

Levi’s Is Using Hemp In Their New Line Of Sustainable Clothing


December marked a historic moment in the United States with hemp legalization. No wonder the industry is now flourishing. It has been estimated that the industry might go up and stand at a value of about $13.03 billion by the year 2026. You might have already come across hemp-derived products in the market, but now Levi Strauss & Co. is capturing a part of the fashion world by using hemp for sustainable clothing.


Levi’s is a denim icon and many people will swear by its name. But to keep up with its goodwill, as well as do something for our planet, Levi’s is going for sustainable clothing. While you might think that cotton is a harmless product, the water requirement of cotton is huge, almost 2,655 liters of fresh water, just for cultivation. With processing and finally using it in garments, it takes about 3,781 liters of fresh water. These are data that has been collected from the Stockholm Environmental Institute. Using alternatives like hemp can cut down the water use by 2/3rd.


So, in March, Levi’s collaborated with the Outerknown label to introduce a jacket and a pair of jeans made out of 69% cotton and 31% hemp blend which gives the pure cotton feel. The cannabis plant uses a lot less chemicals and water than cotton but is a bit difficult to manage too. While cotton is derived from the puffy bud found on top of the plant, indicating its softness, hemp fibers are taken from the trunk. It’s coarse and stiff, according to Paul Dillinger, the head of Levi’s global product innovation. It can be converted into a sturdy rope easily but for clothes – it just doesn’t seem like the ideal material.


But Levi’s knows how to mix and match ideas and come up with a working solution. Dillinger observed the growth trajectory of cotton demand and compared it with the fresh water requirement in both cotton processing and cultivation. It was pretty apparent that alternatives had to be found. Hemp was not on his mind, until the company discovered cutting-edge research that was being conducted in Europe in places where hemp was legalized. Details of the breakthrough or the partners involved were not revealed by the company but, within three years, the final product was in their hands and ready to be integrated into their clothing.


If cottonized-hemp can be integrated completely with the products of the industry, it can make way for a revolution. But Dillinger does not want people to get their hopes too high for now. This process is still in a novice state, and overnight revolution will not be possible. More research should be conducted before a shift can be made. It’s more likely that hemp will become another natural cotton alternative rather than a replacement of the versatile cotton.


Dillinger does not believe it will be a fad either. Generally, when people go for a sustainable product, they have to sacrifice some quality which the non-sustainable product boasted of. Oftentimes, they would make that sacrifice out of ‘choice’ or because it’s ‘cute’. But for cottonized-hemp, such a sacrifice would be unnecessary. According to Dillinger, customers won’t be able to spot a proper difference from pure cotton. Once proper research is done, he believes that within 5 years, such a product and the revolution is possible.


If it really turns out the way Dillinger hopes it would, we can save up a lot of freshwater. With the planet’s depleting resources requiring rapid preservation, this can be a massive development. Kudos to Levi’s, if they can make this work.

Anonymous ID: c9eb10 May 10, 2019, 1:59 p.m. No.6465054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5068 >>5071 >>5189

Ben Shapiro interview goes wildly off the rails — and he ends up walking off: 'I don’t frankly give a damn what you think of me'