Think about it. When more of the truth comes out, there's a very real danger of normies going nuts and starting a new pogrom against all Jews–whether or not they participated in any of the evil schemes of the Cabal.
Both President Trump and all true patriots should want to prevent this from happening, as it would be an onerous tragedy that would kill many innocent people, destroy families, and give the Cabal ammunition for their NEXT attempt to subvert and destroy western society.
To help prevent this, President Trump has gathered many white-hat jews onto his team so that when the Deep State is unraveled, Trump can point out how many Jewish patriots helped do the work of destroying it.
Jews, like all other humans, decide as individuals whether to do good or to do evil. Nobody wants to be judged as a group for crimes they did not participate in. The same goes for regular Jewish people who live their lives peacefully without partaking in the many evils of Cabalist Zionists.
Make sure all of you anons remember this: judging people based on their ancestry or religion is bigotry and it is evil. If you do this, God will turn away from you at the throne and say "I never knew ye," just like Christ in Mat 7:23
Judge individuals based on their behavior, not based on their race or ancestry or religion.
Patriots should not need to be told this, but it's no harm giving you a reminder. When you participate in blanket condemnation of all jewish people, you are doing the shills' work for them and thereby threatening the very existence of this research board.