5-7-2019 China's Big Brother Social Control Arrives In Australia
Poles fitted with speakers, cameras and Wi-Fi, to monitor people, their movements around the city, the websites they visit, and what apps they use.
https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05-07/chinas-big-brother-social-control-arrives-australia …
5-9-2019 Inside China surveillance hell: 'All your life in the record'…
"The harassment and fear reached the point that the family decided to move to Turkey"
https://www.wired.com/story/inside-chinas-massive-surveillance-operation/ …
4-21-2019 Researchers At U.S. Universities Are Reportedly Helping China To Track Its Citizens
"There are over 100 million CCTV cameras across the nation and the government uses them to track and control where people go and what they do."