Anonymous ID: 035b64 May 10, 2019, 8:15 p.m. No.6468367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8416 >>8435

I have heard anons and others describe the populous sheeple as being 'hypnotized.' When i hear/use this word i often think it is not intended literally, as if a person is under a >>literal trance<< but simply meant that a person is easy swayed by suggestion/ group think, snagged on the lure of the current narrative cast out by their authoritative masters. But the moar i see the sheep unwilling to escape from the barbed-wire that entangle them, even when anons and others attempt to pull it back, makes me question my programming. Have i underestimated the power of their hypnosis? So i looked into hypnosis– especially mass hypnosis. I watched as 'magicians' swung amulets and sheep flopped on the floor at their feet. Do (((we))) really believe this is real? MK Ultra? Is this part of the programing to believe that someone can swing a chain and ppl will be reduced to farm animals on a stage?? This BS is fake, i told myself. The ppl are playing along. No way a swinging watch and soothing words makes a person mimic a chicken or whatev, unless the sheep are willing, as pleasers, to participate in the charade. ***So are the sheep floppin' like chickens on the stage complicit to the charade or truly in a >>trance<<? It HAS to be one of two possibilities: the person squatting on the ground flopping their arms around like a chicken is either A) aware and playing along to presumably please or B) in a >>literal<< trance. If we are to accept B, that means, for lack of a better word, 'magik,' has been employed on the sheep. (No way is it the swinging amulet and counting causing humans to unwillingly act like farm animals. You have seen it. You have attempted to play along, curious if it works. There is no secret sauce. It doesn't work. Bag o' dicks). So if ppl are truly put into a trance, then something else is going on at the 'ceremony' and the swinging watch is a ploy). And if it is indeed magik– and this shit is real – shouldn't ppl be looking into what the F is going on? How exactly are (((they))) performing this magik on the masses? Not as simple as just saying: media, school, etc. Anons clearly know deception is being employed. Shouldn't now the natural progression be to determine specifically how (((they))) are employing the magik? It is not the swinging watch– how are they doing it??I think we have a vague idea…but imo, we need to drill down harder. Anons?