If the MSM is so important in giving Americans “News”& reporting “Truth”, then why hasn’t one White House corespondent or “Journalist” asked POTUS Trump some very simple questions:
Who is Q?
Who is Q+?
Do you support Q & their posts on 8Chan?
Are you or your team part of Q?
Why haven’t you denounced or supported the QAnon movement?
These are very simple questions that any news correspondent could ask at anytime.
They could truly try to tie POTUS to racism & antisemitism by referencing the top SHILL posts from this board…but they will NOT dare touch the subject on prime time news bc they can’t control the narrative or POTUS answers regarding Q & Anons!!
We have become International & there have been many hit pieces of low level shilly website posts about us…but they never seem to actually gather steam…or make REAL NEWS.
They have tried to tie QANON to many false flags but it never sticks….for Anons immediately digg & expose TRUTH.
It truly is Amazing how scared the Deep State, Dems & MSM are of QAnon that they REFUSE to mention Q or question Trump about Q or mention this board to Trump! It is Truly AMAZING, especially with how much HATRED they have for us!
The ANSWER is that they know Q is real & if they put a major spotlight on Q or QAnons…. then MOAR Americans will start thinking for themselves.
IT S Truly a big PICKLE that, YOU MSM traitors, have found yourselves in….You are way too scared to expose the REAL TRUTH!