Anonymous ID: 4cc3a0 May 10, 2019, 8:42 p.m. No.6468600   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8639 >>8665


>highest ranking anon? whats that?

well that was meant to be a joke.

And NO DO NOT TELL ME TO FUCKING DEAL WITH ANYTHING. The last statement you make is very weak.

Q has always said no outside comms. So whoever took over this board, does NOT have real "anons" best interests at heart.

I am pretty sure Q HIMSELF did not send out some order to the new BO/BV to run this board with the captcha's……whoever THEY are decided this was a good idea.

If you are not questioning WHY then you aren't paying attention. Comes off as kiss-ass-ish. I mean FFS, REALLY think about what is going on here!!

And for what it's worth, I had a you from Q too, so not sure why you are posting that….and NO I still don't get or see how it truly "HELPS". I mean, I am being serious and not being a dick, but helps whom exactly?


I will continue to post here when I please, and HOW I please. If I DARE to question BS I see here, isn't that what Q wants us to do, at the end of the day?