Anonymous ID: 5f6d51 May 10, 2019, 7:47 p.m. No.6468077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8118 >>8251 >>8282 >>8387 >>8592

So , I live in Florida and today when I went to my local racetrac gas station I approached the beer cooler to get my beer, I noticed to guys there randomly discussing the the beers that the store had. The strange thing I noticed is that as I was walking towards the coolers, these guys were speaking some sort of Russian or Slavic language, this was not out of the ordinary as there are many russian and Ukrainian people in the area, what struck me as strange is when I was within a couple of feet of them they began talking like a local Floridian. A clear English southern local accent spoken perfectly with no accent.


At first I thought I had been mistaken previously, when I thought they were speaking in a russian or Slavic language. I grabbed my beer and overheard the one guy telling the other that blue moon was a beer that was popular with inmates in jail. This really struck me as strange as the one guy told the other guy that blue moon was jail beer, because the people who got drunk on it caused them to end up in jail. WTF was I hearing?


I thought to myself, blue moon, really? I’m a beer drinker and I know that blue moon is more of a chick beer, it’s low in alcohol like a bud light or coors, but it’s a wheat beer and I’ve had it many times, it’s not as this guy was describing.


Now for a little context to this whole scenario, these guys looked like local construction guys who worked outside. They had on shorts and T-shirts wearing construction boots and they were both dirty as hell as if they’d been digging ditches or working in landscaping. I work around these types of guys all the time as I’m a carpenter and encounter them a lot. As I grabbed my beer and walked away from them and toward another part of the store, I noticed they went from speaking as locals to speaking in their foreign language without skipping a beat…


it was so strange, there was no chance I misheard them. I circled back toward them and they started speaking perfect Florida cracker without skipping a beat. It was really strange and I believe they noticed that I noticed. As I was cashing out, one of them stepped in line right behind me and as I was cashing out, he made a point to step up to the counter and look me right in the eye as I was trying to leave and then he stepped aside to let me by, as I walked out I looked back and noticed the both of them staring at me as I walked out the door to my truck.


This was very fucking strange anons, I know many russian and Ukrainian folks here and none of the speak perfect English, especially with a southern accent. I’m sure there are some here who can, but they are not everyday labor workers, they would be the more educated who trained themselves to do so… does anyone else think this would be strange?

Anonymous ID: 5f6d51 May 10, 2019, 8:10 p.m. No.6468322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8405



I’m familiar.. Potemkin villages are what you are referring to. How can I go to the fbi or police and tell them my story without looking like a jackass?


I’m not looking to get innocent people in trouble, if they’re innocent, cause that would be a dick move.


But, I would just like to raise the awareness of anons, so if there is something to this, at the very least people are paying attention.

Anonymous ID: 5f6d51 May 10, 2019, 8:29 p.m. No.6468488   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No noticeable tats


I parked on the other side of the store, didn’t see their vehicle.


I’ve worked with Russians and Ukrainians and heard them speak to one another, it was very similar if not exact.


One was short maybe 5’6” and he spoke the most as he was explaining to the other about the beer. The other guy was bigger like 6’2”or tallest and wider.. both looking like they’d been working outside all day and dirty as hell. They seemed to be normal, not extraordinarily fit like military or anything like that. White boys.


It was odd, how they transitioned from their foreign language to a Florida southern accent spoken perfectly so easily.



Anonymous ID: 5f6d51 May 10, 2019, 8:48 p.m. No.6468639   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Face the facts anon.. we have to kowtow to the sjw crowd to exist, until things change. It’s pervasive, it’s fuckry, it communism, but it’s here and we must navigate through it. Bruce Lee said be like water.