Anonymous ID: a982f7 May 10, 2019, 9:04 p.m. No.6468768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8818 >>8853

The one article you need to prove current US wars are lie-started Wars of Aggression not even close to lawful self-defense, war-murder millions, loot trillions, and require YOUR voice for .01% arrests


“It is no use trying to escape their arrogance by submission or good behavior. Robbers of the world, having by universal plunder exhausted the land, their drive is greed. If the enemy be rich, they are rapacious; if poor, they lust for domination. Neither rule of the East nor West can satisfy them. Alone among men, they crave with equal eagerness poverty and riches. To plunder, slaughter, seize with false pretenses, they give the lying name ‘empire.’ And where nothing remains but a desert, they call that ‘peace.’ ”

~ Tacitus, The Agricola and the Germania, on Roman Empire foreign wars in "self-defense" (analyses here, here)




The United States is the most dangerous illegal rogue state empire in human history, with escalating military armed attacks under President Trump.


Among the damning facts:


People around the world view the US as the greatest threat to peace; voted three times more dangerous than any other country.

Since WW2, Earth has had 248 armed conflicts. The US started 201 of them.

These US armed attacks have killed ~30 million and counting; 90% of these deaths are innocent children, the elderly and ordinary working civilian women and men (and here). The US has war-murdered more than Hitler’s Nazis.

The total deaths caused by rogue state empire for resource control (natural and human) in the last 20 years is over 400 million, more than all total wars and violence in all recorded Earth history.

The annual number of poverty deaths is equal in volume to a Freedom Tower in NYC. “Leaders” of “developed” nations have promised the end of poverty since 1969. Better read that again, and reflect on its meaning of what kind of “leaders” we have in the “developed” world.

Since Operation O.I.L. (Operation Iraqi Liberation; yes, that was the oligarchs’ first name), 2.4 million Iraqis have been killed as a direct consequence.


US so-called “leadership” is arguably worse in corruption, psychopathy, and causing misery than tragic-comic Roman Emperors, certainly with greater capacity to harm. Obviously, among required citizen responses is public demand to lawfully arrest US .01% "leaders" for lie-started and Orwellian-illegal Wars of Aggression, as the contents of this essay prove beyond all reasonable doubt.




What war law states in non-controversial crystal-clear letter and intent

Not only not-even-close to lawful, but started with “reasons” known to be lies as they were told

Looting tens of trillions in taxes and resources (human and natural)

Breaking the Emperor’s New Clothes naked parade with three analogies

Endgame: US military, government employees, and real Americans demanding .01% arrests as OBVIOUS lawful remedy to stop war-murdering millions, harming billions, looting trillions


  1. War law: crystal-clear in letter and intent


“No treaty, however much it may be to the advantage of all, however tightly it may be worded, can provide absolute security against the risks of deception and evasion.”

~ President Kennedy, June 10, 1963


Summary: Military armed attack in another nation is illegal in all cases except in reasonable self-defense against that nation’s government’s current armed attack on your nation, or provable imminent threat. All other security concerns go the United Nations Security Council. Self-defense with lethal force is always authorized if known or unknown attackers are engaged in armed attacks in your own nation. This is exactly consistent with the US Army’s official law handbook.


This is similar to the law for individuals: we can never attack another person unless under attack or imminent threat (“I’m gonna’ pull this gun and shoot you!” etc.). And we certainly can never go to another person’s house to attack people and/or property; we must go to the police for their jurisdiction. In general legal definition, no party is allowed use of force under the justification of “self-defense” if the law can be applied for redress and remedy.


The following is an update from published research by The Claremont Colleges of a 2015 paper I delivered for ~2,000 people. We scholars active on this topic of Orwellian-illegal US/UK/Israel Wars of Aggression are unaware of any attempt to refute our factual claims. That is, nobody we’ve ever heard or read has claimed something relevant like, “War law states (a, b, c), and the wars are legal because (d, e, f).” We welcome any information that refutes our factual claims, and seek public debate to make our factual claims clear. The same argument applies that all “reasons” for the US to attack and invade were known lies as they were told.


Part 1

Anonymous ID: a982f7 May 10, 2019, 9:10 p.m. No.6468818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8836 >>8853


  1. The Bush administration claim of aluminum tubes that could only be used as centrifuges to refine fissionable material for nuclear weapons is directly refuted by the best expert witnesses available, the US Department of Energy (DOE) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Their conclusion is that the tubes in question had diameters too small, the tubes were too thick, using aluminum as the material would be “a huge step backwards,” and the surface was anodized that made them impossible to serve this purpose. They also found that the tubes were easily explained for conventional use, as the specifications perfectly matched tubing for other purposes. The Senate Committee on Intelligence agreed that this claim had no basis from any available evidence (also, see here). When the US makes a war-reason without explanation and the evidence is refuted by the two leading expert agencies before the war, that means this claim was a lie known to be false as it was told.

  2. This claim, repeated by President Bush in the 2003 State of the Union Address, was based on the “Niger documents.” These papers were written in grammatically poor French, had a “childlike” forgery of the Niger President’s signature, and had a document signed by a foreign minister who had been out of office for 14 years prior to the date on the document. The forgeries showed-up shortly after the Niger embassy in Rome was robbed, with the only missing items being stationery and Niger government stamps. The same stationery and stamps were used for the forged documents. The CIA warned President Bush on at least three occasions to not make the claim due to the ridiculous evidence. In addition, if Saddam really was making an illegal uranium purchase, it’s certain that both Saddam and the Niger government officials would insist on not having a written record that would document the crime. Republican US Ambassador to Niger, Joseph Wilson, confirmed this information and reported in detail to Vice President Cheney’s office and the CIA. When President Bush and other “leaders” use this claim as a war reason without explanation while analysis of the evidence with all available experts conclude it’s crude forgery, that means this claim was a lie known to be false as it was told.

  3. As to the claim of a relationship between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda, all US intelligence agencies reported that no such relationship existed (and here). When Vice President Cheney makes an unsubstantiated war-reason while all 16 US intelligence agencies officially report no such evidence exists AND compelling evidence exists to refute the claim, that means this claim was a lie known to be false as it was told.


Some war liars argue that UN Security Council Resolution 687 from 1991 authorizes resumption of force from the previous Gulf War. This resolution declared a formal cease-fire; which means exactly what it says: stop the use of force. The resolution was declared by UNSC and held in their jurisdiction; that is, no individual nation has authority to supersede UNSC’s power to continue or change the status of the cease-fire (further explanation here). The idea that the US and/or UK can authorize use of force under a UNSC cease-fire is as criminal as your neighbor shooting one of your family members and claiming that because police have authority to shoot dangerous people he can do it. When US leaders claim authority they clearly and OBVIOUSLY do not have, that means this claim was a lie known to be false as it was told.


War lies for unlawful war on Afghanistan: The US acknowledges the Afghanistan government had nothing to do with 9/11. The UN Security Council issued two Resolutions after 9/11 (1368 and 1373) for international cooperation for factual discovery, arrests, and prosecutions of the 9/11 criminals. The Afghan government said they would arrest any suspect upon presentation of evidence of criminal involvement, which is a usual response to another nation's request for extradition of a criminal suspect.

The US rejected these Resolutions, and violated the letter and intent of the UN Charter by armed attack and invasion of Afghanistan.


Part 2

Anonymous ID: a982f7 May 10, 2019, 9:12 p.m. No.6468836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8853



You: (blinking twice, indicating with body language that your son now has your full attention)


Son: (recognizing this bullshit isn’t working, clears his throat) Besides, taking the trash out is a relative term. If it’s out, then relative to that location, inside the house is outside of that domain. If the trash is in, it’s already outside the domain of out!


(placing his hand in mock sincerity upon my shoulder) Dad, America needs clear laws and enforceable laws, not the arbitrary stop you’re making of my morning in lawless arbitrary demand. It’s up to our household legislation to plug loopholes; it’s the duty of the family to understand what needs to be done and demand it.


Fair laws, clear laws, enforceable laws.


Don’t be a preening weenie, Dad.


You: You’re joking, right?


Son: Not at all. I take household responsibilities very seriously. Very seriously.


You: (pursing lips and nodding) Anything else you’d like to add to your explanation?


Son: Yes. The rule states that the trash go out before I “go to bed.” I never went to bed last night. I had a “temporary emergency bailout of consciousness” distinct from “going to bed.” So, technically, I won’t be in violation until I actually “go to bed.” And this state of emergency might need to be continued indefinitely. Oh, and I still stand on my point that given the ambiguity of the rule with in and out, neither one of us can determine any violation of law.


You: Son, laws are meant to be clear; this one is. Your first excuse has to destroy known and agreed terms of in and out to pretend the law is unclear. Your second excuse again destroys a definition of an essential part of the law, then, as the first excuse, attempts to bullshit your way to willfully destroy clear law. This bullshit includes rhetoric of caring about responsibility, a need for clear laws, and justice.


The law is simple: (pointing to trash) That is inside the house. It needs to go outside to the trash container (pointing) every night. Nobody is confused by this.


How did you get this wild idea?


Son: (snapping out of his experiment with psychopathy) My baseball teammate and neighbor uses it on his dad all the time. He says it works. Thanks for not being played, Dad. That’s the type of man I want to be!


Part 3

Anonymous ID: a982f7 May 10, 2019, 9:16 p.m. No.6468871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8883 >>8911 >>9108 >>9156 >>9255 >>9421 >>9440

IG Horowitz Has 'Concluded that the Final Three FISA Extensions Were Illegally Obtained,' diGenova Says


Washington attorney Joe diGenova claimed in an interview last night that the Department of Justice inspector general has determined that "the final three FISA extensions were illegally obtained," and the first one is still being investigated.


For the past year, DOJ IG Michael Horowitz has been investigating the FBI's 2016 surveillance activities and his report is expected later this month or in early June.


Washington power couple Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing appeared on Lou Dobbs' Fox Business Network show Thursday night to talk about the latest turns in the "SpyGate" saga.


"The only question now is whether or not the first FISA was illegally obtained," diGenova said.


He told Dobbs that the latest revelations in investigative reporter John Solomon's piece at The Hill, have prompted further investigation from Horowitz's team.


On Thursday, Solomon reported that newly unearthed memos show that a high-ranking government official from the Obama State Department met with former British spy Christopher Steele in October of 2016, and figured out pretty quickly that his dossier was a political hit job intended to slime Donald Trump on behalf of Hillary Clinton’s campaign.


The written account of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s Oct. 11, 2016, meeting with Steele also shows that Steele admitted that his research was "political and facing an Election Day deadline," according to Solomon.


DiGenova said the inspector general was unaware of the memos, which were obtained last week through open-records litigation by the conservative group Citizens United.


"The Bureau hid those memos from Horowitz. As a result of that, they are doing some additional work on the first FISA," diGenova explained, adding: "It may be that all four FISAs will have been obtained illegally."