Anonymous ID: e53702 May 10, 2019, 11:03 p.m. No.6469433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9461


>UK anon

This is how it looks to be playing out in the UK.

May and Corbyn have massive dirt on them.

Potential May: Bribes (via husband, he's in the arms business), covering up pedos for important people, in particular the Royal Family, deliberately reducing the police as Home Secretary, allowing cocaine traffickers to flood the country in an organised why following the long time norms set up by the C_A under the Bu$h family cartel.

Corbyn: links to Islamist and IRA terrorism, again all part of the C_A cabal set up by the Bush family cartel, who you'll remember work for the Rothschild Family and have been playing all sides against each other not just for decades but for longer.

So, we know both labour and conservatives are fucked here.

The interesting part is that there is strategy behind the scenes that is now unstoppable and appears to be part of the PLAN.

Who does POTUS and the seven/eight other members of those in the know trust to run the UK post 'REVEAL'?

Nigel Farage.

A couple of years ago, how the hell do you put Nigel Farage (who the UK desperately needs) in power legitimately? He's been smeared seven ways to Sunday.

He is likely and almost certain to be the next Prime Minister after a general election. I like a bet on politics only. I made money out of Brexit and POTUS win, Farage is currently 25-1 or 20-1 depends where you shop.

Here's what is the likely order of play.

Labour and Conservatives continue to implode at the top of their leadership structure.

May 23rd is the EU elections.

The UK haven't left, so we vote.

The Brexit Party led by Nigel Farage is looking at close to a clean sweep.

The other parties share the split remain vote, The Brexit Party get all the Leave plus disenchanted voters who now want to Leave.

DECLAS brings down the HOUSE (of Commons).

It will show May and Cameron were part of a conspiracy including the C_A, F_I, MI6, MI5, SIS to both interfere with, and then stop the election of a US President. Easily several acts of war against the US people there by their 'closest ally'. POTUS doesn't blame the good folk of the UK, he knows we LOVE him.

The elite here in the UK are contained.

They are now scrambling to avoid losing EVERYTHING.

Pedos are being swept up in huge numbers and many of the elite are involved in networks that live stream child rape, torture and child killings. Many politicians are involved in covering that up.

Many judges, police at high ranks and teachers, doctors, etc are all involved. Many via secret societies.

Farage and his Party will start to rid the country of them.

Farage is under MASSIVE protection. NSA, Secret Service and trusted UK intel services will be involved.

This is all conjecture, just piecing it together because the timing of Farage coming to power is VERY much a President Trump strategy piece on full display.

Godspeed US anons and all. WRWY