Anonymous ID: 02130c May 11, 2019, 1:41 a.m. No.6469990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9994




>>Watching you guys deal with the fact that the younger generations are unironic Nazis (and not telling you openly for fear of reprisal) is great. Encore!


>Wait, we spend so much time yelling SHILL and KIKE at each other around here, I'm really not even sure who you mean when you say "you guys"


>I think we've hit the shill event horizon. When everyone is a shill, no one is a shill. It'll be one of those Gary Larson cartoon situations where all the sheep begin taking off their masks and reveal that everyone in the group is actually a wolf in disguise.


You both forget about we who lurk. There be a lot of us. We just scroll on by the shills. Some days we learn something new. Most days we don't.