Anonymous ID: 82dd37 May 11, 2019, 2:52 a.m. No.6470133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0152 >>0157 >>0162 >>0167 >>0169 >>0206 >>0222

Ya, so I'm kinda thinking now that the pornographic pictures posted on this board might be posted by shills to try and discredit us and use up the bread. At first I thought the "THANK YOU BAKERS" with all the full frontal nudity was just a bunch of autists letting off steam. Having a laugh. But does a serious anon really think tits and vaginas (in the absence of any other relevant information) are a valuable contribution here?


Maybe I'm wrong. I'm open to hear what you have to say. But the nude posts are basically distributing pornography. Does Q post pornography? And ask yourself, can Q share our insightful posts with the world if you also just posted a full-frontal nude in the same bread? Or have you just sabotaged your own good intentions?


Ya, I've consumed my fair share of porn. Although, I do now wonder about whether any of it's actually healthy, given that the Cabal is the chief distributor of pornography. I'm pretty sure now that porn is probably another way to alter us, and not for the better. Let's face it: pornography is basically a tool of total dehumanization, and dehumanization is exactly what powers the Cabal's agenda.


Aren't we striving to be better than that?


Curious what you think.

Anonymous ID: 82dd37 May 11, 2019, 3:09 a.m. No.6470197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0214 >>0258



So, just so I understand you here: You're saying posting porn in the bread is ok even if it's kind of evil, because the Cabal's "crimes against children" are worse, and by posting porn we prove we can stomach the true extent of that evil?

Anonymous ID: 82dd37 May 11, 2019, 3:20 a.m. No.6470256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0262 >>0268 >>0269



So you're posting porn here too? You might want to reconsider. I apologize personally for ever having stooped that low.


I think you're wrong that it's "real people" posting most of that porn on here though. I mean shills are people too (hey that's a t-shirt). But they're not the people I want to have anything to do with.