Anonymous ID: 841f52 May 11, 2019, 12:34 a.m. No.6469796   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Comey reopened the HRC email investigation to squash a threat. They had found Anthony Wieners laptop and there was compromising videos on there and hundreds of thousands of emails. The videos were so bad NYPD had to leave the room to be sick. NYPD threatened FBI that they would leak the videos if they didn't re open the investigation. Comey reopened the investigation. Took jurisdiction of the Weiner laptop and all that new evidence. Then promptly shut it all down and said there was nothing to see. NYPD couldn't say anything as it was out of their hands. And one of the cops who saw the videos on the laptop was killed


Comey works for the Cabal and was carrying water for Clinton. Make no mistake, he's a bad guy