That's ridiculous. POTUS would sacrifice thousands and thousands of lives just to put a dozen people in Gitmo? Apparently, you don't know this President at all.
This doesn't make a lot of sense because original Lucky Strikes were non-filtered. Turning it upside down would make no difference. It would look the same.
Side note: Luckies always had "LS/MFT"
Lucky Strikes Means Fine Tobacco
We, of course, changed that too:
Loose Straps Mean Floppy Tits
Well, since we've approached such a high intellectual level here, how about an audio fart captcha. Captcha shows a letter of the scale; C#. If you can't fart a C#, you fail the captcha. This is good. We would learn to twist, shape, maneuver our cheeks to produce the necessary tone. Ultimately, it would result in a band of anons able to fart the Star Spangled Banner at the next POTUS rally.
Can bots fart?
Agreed, but the Speaker of the Board caucus is against a Highest Ranking Anon. And, they're fighting with the Board Majority Leader caucus. Plus, the KYS caucus is throwing a wrench into the entire works.
A 13 post muh jew shill is just a lurker. Can you imagine?
Actually, you are the one being disingenuous. You are assuming that anons own this board and dictate policy. Do you even know what BO means? BOARD OWNER
BO mandates policy, not you nor I. If you don't like it or I don't like it, we have the free will option to leave rather than try to dictate policy over something we have no authority.
You are free to start your own board on 8chan.
Where your mistaken is, you think because the new captcha system is a barrier for you that it's a barrier for everyone. It's not. The first day it was implemented I thought "what the hell is this". I figured it out after 3 or 4 posts and have been cruising thru it easily ever since and it is now a non-issue. For some suspicious reason, 1-2 weeks later, you're still whining about it. Why might that be?
Anyway, let's get to the nitty gritty. The predominant reason anons are here and staying here regardless of new policy or not, is because Q posts here. So, why not quit the bitchin' and be happy we are getting incredible information to research? What kind of warrior gets down in the trenches to fight the enemy and continually whines about his boots getting muddy?
Yeah, we know what you're using your back channel for.
Can't help ya with bakin' but I'll help ya with filling the bread. Thanks for all you do!
Fillin' for the baker
Hooked on a fillin'
Phil McCafferty
fillin' it so baker can get some rest
Fill E Cheesesteak
food for the baker
muh fills
This is why anons and dogs should NOT date ( pic related )
Baker requested it. Baker is tired. But we'll just stop because it's all about you, right?
Right, no reason to burn bread that the baker wants burned. But you know what's good, right?