Anonymous ID: d1e68d May 10, 2019, 11:51 p.m. No.6469643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9736 >>9847




>I think you have no idea who the enemy is anymore. By calling anti-captcha people "shills," you're just expanding your wide (and wrong) definition of the word "shill."

>I hear you "shill" and "whiner" are becoming the new "racist" and "kike" around here.

>Pretty soon, (thanks to captcha cheerleaders and bullying BVs,) the principle applies that- if all anons we disagree with aboutcaptchas are just "shills," then we are ALL SHILLS, by proclamation. These bullies are not making anyone like or appreciate extra captchas any better, they are just low-iq sycophants trying to avoid an actual captcha discussion.


You are so right