I totally agree but it would've been nice for all realize these things in this level of existence. I guess we have to learn to walk before we run, just not all, at this time of existence.
Would be cool to see our full potential in a single "lifetime" of this level, though I'm not so sure about whether we'd actually accomplish that much more while at this level. Some kids are still barely able to walk and talk at 3 years old, some are learning guitar and doing wheelies on their bikes but in the end they "die" the same way having only heightened certain skills and not much more.
Even if he had "outside" help, Tesla still changed very little in "his" lifetime. I wonder if he knew that later he'd be more recognized and whether he felt any accomplishment in that way. I guess we'll not know, for now, all because of this damn thing called secrecy.
It just bugs the hell outta me that so much potential is wasted by our own human natures. We need our "balance" but how that's realized seems so out of whack. It leaves me with little hope for our, currently, parasitic selfs.