>Hopefully, we are all aware it is humanity’s destructive impulses and resultant weapons and social structure prevents more open contact.
>The self can depreciate/appreciate it's own alignments, which is interesting. The mechanism by which we express ourselves as 'built- in' catalytic confluences from which the abstract object in focus can motivate experience. These biases are quite interesting. (I'll be studying)
not trying to stuff the bread / echo chamber - but you write worthy reading :-)
Re opiate and crank [destructive drugs] and "sex" and possession :- refer linked video "James Bartley - MILABS & Reptilian Concept of Human Ownership"
As above, so IT is below: "IT" begins with what one chooses to consume…
[4 dem tards]
Logically; symbiosis persists, benign exists, and parasites exposed are deposed and disposed. Anyone with a live, functioning triune brain - the reptilian complex -, kNOWS That <precognitively <:>!
9fad8e, Looking fwd to your sauce…
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, Dr. Bruce Lipton and Cleve Baxter and Monica Gagliano. PhD, "Thus Spoke the PLANT" - perhaps are worthy of your time - check with the Lorax ;-)
Are Shaman in short supply from genocide?
-how are the Kogi Indian? Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia [burnt seashells and coca leaves can't be good for dem toofy sangs]
and perhaps the movie "Elysium" is an alternative to aliens and out-of-control - [parasitically possessed reptilian complex] - humans? It's easy to observe social media and propaganda [“Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012”] and "deep" A.I. Louise Cypher-Han creating enough havoc already!
And how much moar sauce does DOCTOR Judy Wood need b4 tards can science !? (Free-fall, seismic anomaly, heat anomaly, lack of debris, magneto anomaly, hurricane reporting, and and and)
She reckons, "Let the Party Begin" ! and i am inclined to agree - until i remember -babies with loaded weapons is bad…
anyhoo, i am kNot Sure:0,0,1,1,2,3,7,21,49,165