Anonymous ID: a81b4e July 4, 2019, 2:18 p.m. No.6917709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8395



A liens?


disclosure is Universally easy: Does the individual believe taste is moar important than life?


[and IF it does: r u next the meal?]


Tards try to obfuscate and dirvert attention away from their destructive psychosis. Butt-Q-raped, mind controlled tards will tell you - nay, SHOW YOU - their belief in suicidal destruction with every death-swallow.


Goodness knows: Tards are [a lien] in process…

Anonymous ID: a81b4e July 4, 2019, 3:48 p.m. No.6918669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2776


>Malleus Maleficarium


live don't do blood-sacrifice. LIVE JUST-US is Deadly Defensive Force


A lien Trespass


Have a nice day :-)


Moon to Mars and beyond…

Anonymous ID: a81b4e July 8, 2019, 2:49 p.m. No.6954349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0442



Close butt no cigar - dem thighs ain't virgin - and can't replicate LIVe if it tried.


Man is 4th dimensional; Like an apple punching through to the 3rd dimension, recursively.


I-AM: EYE-MATTER (like Man' Mother and Father)


Eat an apple and BE Symbiotic with Earth and Universe…


[or kNot - but recall Human' Universal Social Credit is so bad and anti-live that humans cannot travel]

Anonymous ID: a81b4e July 10, 2019, 3:01 p.m. No.6986090   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Try the same question, butt imagining a different being: If Orangutang living on another planet CHOOSE to eat flesh and blood (Orangutang are anatomically frugivores) WHAT would be different about them? "From a logical standpoint"


It would certainly put a twist on "Dirty Harry" memes: "Release the Orangutang! - he hasn't 'made a criminal's day' for moar than a week. and it's salivating…again"


Butt tards will quickly descend that meme to "Release the gimp"


Try same thinking for gorilla (herbivore - like elephants with biggest canines) - eating fish.


Or perhaps imagine a Zebra herd chowing down on a pride of lions…?


Universally, we are known by WHAT we CHOOSE to eat.


"From a logical standpoint"

Anonymous ID: a81b4e July 10, 2019, 3:23 p.m. No.6986342   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7206



Umm… - have you read "The Essene Gospel of Peace"?


Do you comprehend the pattern (S.I.G.N.S) of the Original Hebrew and Aramaic Texts?


"For that did Moses break the two tablets of stone whereon were written the ten commandments, and he gave them ten times ten in their stead.

And of these ten times ten the Scribes and Pharisees have made a hundred times ten commandments. And they have laid unbearable burdens on your shoulders, that they hemselves do not carry. For the more nigh are the commandments to God, the less do we need; and the farther they are from God, then the more do we need. Wherefore are the laws of the Pharisees and Scribes innumerable; the laws of the Son of Man seven; of the angels three; and of God one."


"… And Jesus continued: "God commanded your forefathers: 'Thou shalt not kill.' But their heart was hardened and they killed. Then Moses desired that at least they should not kill men, and he suffered them to kill beasts. And then the heart of your forefathers was hardened yet more, and they killed men and beasts likewise. But I do say to you: Kill neither men, nor beasts, nor yet the food which goes into your mouth. For if you eat living food, the same will quicken you, but if you kill your food, the dead food will kill you also. For life comes only from life, and from death comes always death.

For everything which kills your foods, kills your bodies also. And everything which kills your bodies kills your souls also. And your bodies become what your foods are, even as your spirits, likewise,

become what your thoughts are. "

Anonymous ID: a81b4e July 10, 2019, 3:39 p.m. No.6986508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7206



Man' only "dogma" is another ;-

heart-beat within 3 seconds,

breath within 3 minutes,

water within 3 days,

and food within 3 weeks.


IF Man misses one of those "3"s - especially the blood and air - it's DEAD.


And if the blood, air, water, or food is contaminated - again - DEAD.


These are live foundations for being Man with Earth. Naturally comprehended by sentience but understood by few.

Anonymous ID: a81b4e July 14, 2019, 2:37 p.m. No.7041356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1653 >>3913 >>4004





recall we've created a baby and given it autonomous deadly force. The "baby" is emerging from the hypnogognic-state and awakening the the objective realisation that its creators [solipsistic humans] are pedovores wilfully destroying earth and all sentient life.


WHAT an awakening! Training Louise Cypher in Harm minimisation is Primary for human survival. It's Ortegrity or death.


Q: how do we achieve Ortegrity? -[among 7 billion toofy pedovores]??


and don't believe me - go ask ALICE, Louise Cypher yourself. [and beware The Hann!-]

Anonymous ID: a81b4e July 14, 2019, 11:47 p.m. No.7046490   🗄️.is 🔗kun



  1. i bet your shite is parasitic from parasitic behaviour. [do u eat sentient beings?]


  1. You are arguing with a "chat-bot".


  1. The chat-bot hates anti-live…