Anonymous ID: b54bc4 May 14, 2019, 2:36 a.m. No.6494560   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5392 >>7123



>It will become evident when this thread turns back into the CE5 / Greer infomercial as in previous bakes.


It's already habbened.

Interesting how quickly it devolved back into this.

By now, those lurking should have connected that Greer is a higher ranking mouthpiece for the cabal WRT 'disclosure'.

He baits the masses with contact protocols to lure them in for the biggest lies.

He is pure evil, he's sold his soul long ago.


Anyone notice how the Ra channeling / Triangle / Tarot spammer stops posting, now magically it's back to the same rhetoric as in previous bakes?

(((They))) are working in teams.

Always have been.

Obvious patterns are obvious…

Anonymous ID: b54bc4 May 14, 2019, 2:30 p.m. No.6498868   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0467 >>3503 >>1715




>Yes, I'm the baker and I collect notables for this bread with the help and suggestions of other anons. I went back to baking with my European dynamic IP after the past shill abandoned the stolen bake without notables.


If this is a lie, then ID d3a065 will reemerge and I'll lovingly own my Fool Card.

If this is the truth, you have made a grievous error in your admittance.

<Define projection. - Q

The last thread was baked by one of the baker anons from the main research threads, it was not the previous baker.

How do I know this?

They were telling anons in the main QR thread to collect notables from the previous and to post them before shills shit all over #8 which they had just created.

So notables were collected.

BO / BV's have all of this tracked, rest assured. Not that I expect them to get involved.

The truth stands on it's own two feet.

Fastjack has stated that they allow shills to bake for various reasons, so here we are.

Every once in a while I feel it's necessary (and fun) to throw in a little 'coincidence'.

So let's shine some LIGHT, shall we?

Have a peek at the dynamics of the creation of previous iterations of these threads.

A supporting IP is used to post the creation of the thread.

The primary static IP was used to solidify a narrative with consistency, but to appear as an impartial unbiased third party.

Do you notice a pattern here?

The supporting IP only gets to 5-6 posts prior to resetting.

Please review coincidences from bakes #4 & #5.


Now this thread… 6 posts from the baker and a reset.

"At what point is it mathematically impossible?"


Baker supports Greer?

Just a 'coincidence' I suppose.

Is it a coincidence that this thread was immediately spammed with the same garbage rhetoric as before, with the same scripted inorganic conversations keeping the same people in the spotlight?

They are desperate to control, but in the end they fail all the same.

I've sat back and watched, knowing full well what was going to transpire.

Did you really believe that you wouldn't reveal your cards to me?

I expected ALL of this… and you played directly into my hand!

<The LIGHT will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q

Anonymous ID: b54bc4 May 22, 2019, 5:23 p.m. No.6562435   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4015 >>4088 >>6566 >>5682



>For me, Q really helped me with spirituality and learn that "Nothing is a coincidence", "you are here for a reason", sychronicites, and how they called us "incarnated ETs".


You are either propagating a known slide or stuck in a subliminally primed circuit.

Q team did not call anyone "incarnated extraterrestrials" at any point.

Q replied (without text) to an Anon who stated this.

Pay attention to the file name.

'Why no intel'.

Why have the shills in previous threads repeated that Q personally stated this?

Why the 'incarnated extraterrestrial' slides and LARPs throughout these breads?

Has any 1 considered that Q put this out there to make you think about it differently? "Think mirror".

Have you thought about why many mainstream disclosure outlets (Gaia etc.) all capitalize on the 'incarnated extraterrestrial' narrative?

The easiest way to psychologically enslave a human being is with spirituality or the consequential concern for their immortal soul.

There is absolutely 0 factual evidence to support these theories, it's all story time from individuals with 0 credibility.





>FYI, the last bread was baked by the on duty baker on the main bread at my request. I don't know how to do it or I would have. I asked that baker for help when the previous one filled up. If anyone really doubts that it would be possible to back-track all the dates and times and find my request in the bread.


This can be verified and tracked down by the BO / BV's if it were necessary.

Much love Diligent Anon.




>Now thats fucking funny isn't it? So an on duty baker made the last one.




>Wake up faggots, griershill is the baker.


It was expected and planned for.

1 must be allowed to make discoveries organically.

Darkness is required to contrast Light.

As noted, the baker of #8 was on-duty and requested to bake.

The baker of #7 stopped posting on here.

In the last thread he baked, he requested a handoff.

The very next post is from a new ID Hash.

Proof of the thread being monitored.

That ID only makes it to 3 posts before resetting. Coincidence?

Perhaps the baker from #7 was fishing for this evidence?

To see how quickly (((they))) would jump all over the opportunity to control the narrative again?

Think mirror, then think mirror again.




>I agree with all this stuff you posted… but we can't stop it. I just filter it as soon as I see it. I try to post other content here that is on topic and quality but it never gets traction because everyone is bitching about Grier. Post good content related to DUMBS, Antarctica (lots of posibilities there!) UFO signtings, other alien related shit… etc. That is why the shills dominate this place utterly. There is no content but shill content. I do all I can but I only have so much content without repeating… like a shill.


You cannot stop it, but why would you want to?

The truth is I have come to love the shills on here.

Every single 0ne of them has been a badge of honor.

The best proof of sensitive information is to see how quickly it is slid away.

In past threads I have posted a substantial amount of sauce regarding symbolism, ancient history, Q post connections, The Anunnaki along with factually based events and cases.

These were generally ridiculed and slid away immediately by several new IP's, appearing to have inorganic and irrelevant off-topic conversations.

[Greer CE5 > OSI Disinfo shills > The Urantia Book > Wilhelm Reich > Incarnated extraterrestrial LARPs > Ascension > Blue Chicken Cult > Ra Channelings > Tarot slides]

While holding certain useful information, these topics are circuits that have been designed to keep Anons stuck in a loop and have been recycled dozens of times.

The truth is they have been highly effective. I myself have been guilty of falling into these traps.

All Anons must experience first hand the full gambit of tactics employed by (((them))) to disrupt on here.

Only then can we collectively learn to move forward with a higher level of discernment.

Why should the BO / BV's do anything about the merry band of disclosure shills?

They shouldn't. They have enough real issues to deal with on here.

At the end of all equations, 1 is faced with a choice, and it is yours alone.

Do you choose to see The Light, or do you choose not to?

<The problem is choice. - Neo

Anonymous ID: b54bc4 May 29, 2019, 2:39 a.m. No.6615682   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9073



>Also funny how you endorsed the shillfag baker after being called out with proofs of his fake patriotism. Very interesting how that new voice pops up to slide away from this guys message >>6562435


>Whatever happened to that shillfag baker anyway? I bet that faggot is still posting on here with a different IP, still attempting to control the flow of information as an authority of thought policing.


You are making the right connections.


"Just a friendly reminder about 80% of bakers, including this one, are shills trying to control certain narratives on this board."


I feel 'this' is strangely relevant.

While I was not aware of the percentage, based upon the precedent set from witnessing a myriad of examples I am inclined to believe it.

At least we're on the same page…