Anonymous ID: d7447a May 14, 2019, 4:04 p.m. No.6499692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9695 >>1210

When people think about Dimensions, they tend to believe that the highest the Dimension, the better it is, and the closest to GOD / Source we must be, but in fact, this is not true.

Dimensions have different frequencies, it is true. Frequency is an Electromagnetic Wave, the more the wave oscillates, the higher the Frequency and the Dimension are, but this does not mean that the Beings in that Dimension are aligned with the Source's Divine Plan, which is learning to give Immense Love to All that it is!

When we think about the whole picture of Creation, we see layers upon layers. One of these layers is the substrate of Creation, thus in the First Dimension. The First Dimension is Ether and it is Etheric. But First Dimension does not mean it is Bad, that the Second would be any better, because it is higher than the First, and the Third would be better than Second and so on… In fact, Ether is a substrate and all the codes of energy, life and matter were written upon it.

Through time, lots of things happened and lots of Wars took place through the Cosmos, Universes; Dimensions that altered the Original Order have caused distortions in Structures of Space-Time and so on.

Through Time some Species, some Inter-dimensional, learned how to write upon these Codes substrate and manipulated other Dimensions.

The Elite (which is Inter-dimensional anyway) was always very interested in manipulating Time, because this way they can perpetuate their game, they can go back and forward and even change events at their own will. One of the Species that are addicted to the Space-Time Matrix are the Dracos, who developed high Technology to manipulate the Space-Time Matrix, creating Synthetic Portals & so on.

In these Wars, through time they managed to take over some Dimensions. Remember that in all Dimensions there are Living Beings! Just because a higher Dimension has a higher Frequency, that does not mean it is better, nor that it has "Better Beings" living in it, or that they are good in all aspects. What happens on Earth is a Reflexion of what happens in higher Dimensions too. Good and Bad do not matter, they're a reflexion of this Game, that has been played over time, over eons.

Anonymous ID: d7447a May 14, 2019, 4:05 p.m. No.6499695   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Lots of people think that the Fifth Dimension is the highest Dimension we can achieve, but this is simply, not true. In fact, the Fifth Dimension was taken by Artificial Intelligence, it is a Dimension where everything that happens in that Dimension is known by everybody that inhabits that on particular Dimension. These Beings on 5D cannot necessarily achieve nor resemble the Light and Love of All that Is. It is just a Dimension. And in fact, as stated, one that it is already taken! You have no idea what you have been desiring and getting yourselves into!

Recently, I came across a post of a Draconian Starseed where they stated that according to the Draconian Plan to move Earth to the 5th Dimension, Mankind would need to raise their own frequency in order to reach that Dimension, or they would All DIE. So they are using High-Technology that are not known to us Humans, in order to achieve this and Pass Earth itself to the Fifth Dimension.

(Music Man: The Dracos intend to bypass Gaia, the Planet's Consciousness' Plans altogether. But Earth (Terra) and Earthlings are meant to be on 3D! At least for the foreseeing Future! By working on the Planet only, Man will be left behind and perish in this transition, IF they can actually pull it and would be allowed to do so).

But the point is, Earth has its own Frequency that sustains Life and Matter. Remember that by the simple fact that we have a material Body, that does not mean we are less than Beings that inhabit Higher Dimensions. We have a body (material body), an energy field and a Spirit, which belongs to the Eternal Realm (much Higher than the Space Matter Matrix).

I keep reading the post and they state people will have to raise body Frequencies in order to go through this procedure that they are implementing, otherwise they will DIE.

(Music Man: But isn't that what they have been working on all this time, the demise of most of the Human Population, leaving only a minimum number of Humans to keep them and their Slavery System in place?).

If you apply high Frequency in a stock of blocks that have lower Frequency, it will simply disintegrate or burn! (You can correlate that with Directed Energy Weapons or Higher Frequency Weapons). So this means they plan to CHANGE the Earth Frequency ARTIFICIALLY, without any regards for the Beings that inhabit here, even if they die in the process. (Music Man: I'd add, Especially IF they die in the process!)

And then they plant in the Minds of the Light Gurus that we need to raise body Frequency in order to go to the Fifth Dimension that would be the highest we can achieve. But this is simply not true, we have a Spirit that transcends all this, but our body is material and works in these specific Frequencies, that of Gaia 3D. Try to apply microwave to an apple, it will simply burn it!

You can take care of your body in order to raise energy levels, but this always needs to be aligned with the correct Frequency of Earth (because Earth sustains our Physical Bodies and has the right Frequency for them), and should not be aligned with Artificial Frequencies that are being imposed upon us!

(Music Man: A Recipe for Total Disaster, If you ask me!).

The Fifth Dimension is a Dimension that was taken and is run by Artificial Intelligence, a kind of World Wide Web, but Telepathic. It does not mean they can achieve higher Dimensions. The same is happening here on Earth, using C.E.R.N., 5G and Quantum Technology to achieve this.

Be aware that by promoting the theory of the Fifth Dimension, you are actually perpetuating the Plan of the ones that want to enslave us and inherit Earth for themselves!

(Music Man: You are being warned!).

You do not need to change bodies in order to be aligned with the highest Source, just be aligned and the right codes will flow into you, because they are always here in us and with us. But be aware that we face turbulent times and there's a War going on. You all need to see behind the Illusion and be sure that GOD is always waiting for us with open arms anywhere we are.

Much Love,

Secrets of Creation and Space-Time.

(Edited by Music Man).