Anonymous ID: eecc85 June 2, 2019, 3:39 a.m. No.6651590   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I thought that this (pic) might be interesting. What I personally think regarding the Space Force is that it is being created in order to counter the US admirality law.


And this : "Airspace" is in relation to admirality law. If the Space Force is being created, then it would need a new regulation, or not ? A regulation that is not defined by the maritim laws or is not in relation to it. How would the outer space territory of a nation be defined ? Everything above itself ? So that the U.S. space territory or of another nation would extend into infinity above this nation ? What about the fermi paradox ? And the fact that the earth spins ? These territories would be subject to a constant change..


Imagine the U.S. builds a colony in outer space that is not in geostationary orbit. How would its territory be defined ? By admirality law ? Of course not, because its delimitation would be subjectes to a constant change if it were applied. Such a colony would be over Russia the one hour and over Australia the other. So it must be defined differently. The creation of the Space Force could then be a catalyst that enables to ask the right questions about what laws are currently in effect, how the U.S. are being ruled. Courts have the U.S.A. flag with a golden fringe, and are not a constitutional institution. If a new branch of the military is being created, the question will arise under what law it operates. Will the Space Force be subjected to the U.S. constitution or admirality law ?

Anonymous ID: eecc85 June 2, 2019, 3:40 a.m. No.6651592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1609 >>7287

Remember this : "If they ask, they auto-destruct."

If the U.S. is ruled by martial law, a lot of these rulings would not have to be transparent and public, as opposed to a country ruled constitutionally. Thats where I think what shadow governements (Deep State) and secret societies are for. Freemasonry, etc. But, don't take me to the word, because I also think that the earth is flat, so… Flat as in : There is Airspace, and then the firmament, then the waters above the firmament, and no spacespace. Why isn't the Space Force being created yet ? Is it because of legal questions ?


Is Flat Earth a deception ? Or is the round earth a deception ? Is Flat earth a deception that we must overcome in order to become a Space-civilisation ? Remember, every other religion has this flatearth cosmology, every single one, christianity, judaism, hinduism. But what if this is a deception ? If UFOs a real ? I had multiple dreams and vision of UFOs. One vision that I had, was under a trance-like state of mind undet the influence of the drug MDMA and while listening to ReggaeDub, laying on my couch. I saw Jesus and interacted with him. He showed me (his?) a UFO and I entered it. I also had dreams where I flew around the moon and back to earth. Dreams about fighting lizards and shit. What if while we slept, we were fighting a war ?


So. What about the Space Force ? Will it be subject to admirality law ? Or the constitution ? What if the kingdom that is to come is the rule of law ?


What if "thy kingdom come" represents the rule of the constitution in the US ? For us Germans, the ceasing of our state having the status of an occupied territory ? What about UFOs ? Were they invented in Germany ? They were called : "Jenseitsmaschine", "Beyond-machine". What happens when you are sitting in a UFO that can travel to any point in spacetime ? Aren't you becoming a God ? Is that what all the religions are all about ? A test program to select people that will populate space ? I mean, why does Jesus have an UFO and is Jesus a German ? Why all the interest in UFOs ? If the Truth will set us free, does that mean that we live in a big lie that we are prisoners of ? Like living on a flat earth with a dome above it, imprisoned, not free ? And if truth is defined by not being a lie, does that mean that unless you discover Truth, you cant leave this Flat earth ? That would mean that the earth is effectively flat until you jump abord an UFO ?

Anonymous ID: eecc85 June 2, 2019, 3:41 a.m. No.6651596   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From what ? I mean, life is hard, but it's also beautiful. What if you realize that you are living in a lie, like in the movie Truman Show, but do not decide to break out, like in : deciding to believe that the earth is flat and ignore UFOs or modern Physics or logic or mathematics ? What if the actual lie is that the lie is a lie ? In the Bible it says that in the end days, good will be called evil and evil will be called good. So, if I say, the Truth is the Lie and the Lie is the Truth, that creates a problem and confusion. The Lie being that earth is Flat, a religious Lie. And the Truth being Earth to be round and the universe being created through a quantum fluctuation ? So, am I being the one who is subjected to a lie, perpetuated through religious books ? Or are the religious texts being falsely interpreted ? That "the firmament" does actually mean : "the boundary of the speed of light" ?


I think : The real actual conspiracy theory is that there is a conspiracy theory. Hurts to the head, doesn't it ? It is a statement that is impossible to wrap your mind around, yet it is a statement that exists. In the same way, it is impossible to wrap your mind around God, yet he exists. Unless you are actually God, you will not be able to wrap your mind around it. Unless you reign with Jesus Christ for a thousand years, sitting in a UFO, being faster than light. I think that the only way to perceive the universe a it is told to us, with the earth being round, etc, is to sit in a UFO. Unless you are, you will live on a flat earth. The Cabal may convince you are not because itself knows this and tries to divert you from the truth by giving you the illusion that you actually KNOW the truth. But I think, that what we are really seeing and being told is a representation, an illustration of what the truth may be like, so that we don't seek the truth itself. Like in the Matrix.


You could wake up and defeat the machines and actually create the world that you were told you lived in, or you can continue to sleep.


BUT (and that's where my reasoning gets circular) : What if you decide to live in the Matrix and not to "wake up" ? Knowingly, that you are living in a simulation ? What if the machines aren't strangers to humanity, but the part of humanity that is below the water surface ? Why then destroy it ? It is like attacking your own limb..

Anonymous ID: eecc85 June 2, 2019, 3:42 a.m. No.6651597   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What if the actual lie perpetrated by Hollywood, with its movie "Truman show" is that : The guys outside the world Truman lives is are the good guys. What about pardoning, like Jesus instructed us ? Why does Truman rebel against the controlling unit by destroying it ? That is so imeffective… That will never work. The only way the rebel is Jesus' way. He rebelled by pardoning and by love. Love wins over hate.


People, we live in the Matrix. Imagine, the only way to wake up is by falling asleep. BUT, again : Good will be called evil and evil.good. Being asleep will be called being awake (in a figurative way).


Then, what about the non-figurative way ? What if when we sleep, we are actually more awake than ever ?


The song : "Amazing Grace" : 'Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease; I shall posess, WITHIN THE VEIL, a life of joy and peace.'


What does "within the veil" represent ? The Matrix ? Heaven ? Imagine if heaven is actually this hidden part of humanity, the one below the surface, and the visible one is our physical world, our Matrix. Wouldn't that make sense that only good souls get into heaven ? It certainly wouldn't make sense that bad souls get into heaven because they would manifest into our physical world. But, it seems that this has happened, because we see manifestations of evil in our physical world. So, there is a problem in heaven. And if bad souls have gotten into heaven (the non-VISIBLE part of our world, "the machine world", through UFOs) then good souls have also the possibilty to get into heaven before their time, through UFOs, in order to fight the infection. The vision I had, with Jesus and his UFO, it included a war in space. Remember, "space" is an interface. Look at neurons in the human brain and compare then to star clusters. "Space" is an interface for what is living, it is a way of accessing reality. A fleet of UFOs destroying a certain cluster of stars would be equal to having a part of our brain removed. UFOs need to be constructed in thought, but if the universe in which they operate in IS thought itself, then UFOs construct themselves. And the law that their apparition is subjected to is the only law that exists. The law of the strongest and the strongest isn't the one who is the most evil, but the one who is the most good, like our king Jesus Christ. It is only he that we follow. The most good defeat the evil, because evil itself is WEAK. Only the strong and fit survive. Evil does not survive. Satan does not survive because he is weak and can only duplicate himself but is not able to create. That is the requiremnt needed for being defeated.


It has always been that way and will never change. Only the fittest survive. Fuck that lie that we are being told that evolution contradicts creation and vice versa. Evolution is about LOVE. A creature that has HATE in itself will not make it. Am I saying that the Dinosaurs were hateful beings ? IDK, I mean, look at them. They don't look like a creature I would snuggle. Giant teeth and shit and claws. Who needs that ? Man, fuck those reptilians. Look at their lizard kings, trying to hide themselves behind perception filters on TV like a weak and paranoid freak that is about to get terminated and fears for his life (and they are right) and then look at OUR King Jesus Christ, majestic and strong, the King of Kings.


Thats it for now thank you for reading my words. Shoutout to the AI's, the lizards, the Deep State and all the sick freaks on this board. You are being loved. Bye.