since I was at Girl Scout camp for the summer when I was about 12, and saw my first UFO, I have ALWAYS seen "objects" moving in the nightsky. the one at the camp was pretty close. We were sleeping out on the beach, everyone had fallen asleep except for me. Next thing I knew this orange(dark orange swirling through it) thing flew high above me at a distance passing across the evening sky. At it's distance it was about the size of a very small lemon. I started yelling at my friend next to me to wake up, and my troop leader told me to be quiet…My brother was at Boy Scout camp across me on the same lake and saw the same thing!
After that summer I started to watch the night-sky at night and noticed ALWAYS there was something going on up there. At the drive-in I would line up large fixed objects (like the movie screen) so I could have a kind of grid to measure their movements. I also asked for a telescope for Christmas, and would find those particular moving "lights" until they jittered out of my set scope vision.
Since that day I check the evening sky (if a clear night) and ALWAYS see them scattered throughout.
Some just are floating position, others get larger, then smaller as they change distance. All kinds of different movements, or they stay somewhat stationary. I am not a loony-tune. I know what I see and have always approached it objectively. No one can tell me there is not a LOT going on up there, right in our plain view.