Anonymous ID: b428c2 May 11, 2019, 8:26 a.m. No.6471274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1575 >>1630 >>1651 >>1682 >>1725 >>1787 >>1823 >>1856

Trump's Fourth Of July Celebration For 2019 Might Break With Tradition In A Major Way


President Donald Trump has reportedly taken over Washington, D.C.'s upcoming Fourth of July festivities, according to a new report from The Washington Post. But Trump's Fourth of July plans may end the celebration's long-held tradition of nonpartisanship. According to The Washington Post, Trump's desire to have a starring role in the day's events could turn the commemoration of America's independence into a Trump 2020 campaign rally.

Frustrated about his inability to host a massive military parade on par with France's Bastille Day celebrations, Trump has reportedly settled for turning the focus of what has long been a nonpartisan celebration of the nation's independence to him and his presidency. The president is "making tentative plans to address the nation from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial" as part of this year's summer holiday celebration, The Washington Post reported top Tump administration officials have said. Trump also reportedly plans to move the city's annual Fourth of July fireworks display from its traditional spot on the National Mall so that it is nearer to the Potomac River, the paper reported.


But this isn't the first time Trump reportedly wanted to make some changes to how the country's capital celebrated the Fourth of July. Earlier this year, Trump urged folks to hold off on making any concrete plans for the Fourth of July holiday, promising to host an event they wouldn't want to miss.


"HOLD THE DATE! We will be having one of the biggest gatherings in the history of Washington, D.C., on July 4th," the president tweeted in February. At the time, Trump said only that his event would be called "A Salute To America" and would include entertainment, a major fireworks display, and "an address by your favorite President, me!"


More to come…

Anonymous ID: b428c2 May 11, 2019, 8:32 a.m. No.6471305   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Would trolls, fake news and privacy invasions go away with a new Facebook?


Mark Zuckerberg's former college roommate and co-founder of Facebook posted a fascinating proposal this week: break up the social network and watch the problems start to disappear.


But would they? Take Instagram and WhatsApp away from Facebook, Inc. and say goodbye to Russian trolls, fake news, privacy invasions and an algorithm that shows what Facebook wants you to see?

Much of the online chatter can be summed up in two words: nice dream.


"It would not solve the problem," says Boston based blogger Josh Bernoff. "Breaking up Facebook would enable us to have 3 data abusers (Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp) instead of one, and I'm not sure why that’s better."

The gist of Hughes' Op-Ed and subsequent media tour among many TV shows is that the government needs to take action on behalf of consumers, as it did with AT&T back in 1984.


Running for president, candidate Elizabeth Warren agreed with Hughes, weighing in on the side of a breakup, and using the hashtag #BreakUpBigTech. Senator Warren (D-Mass.), who wants to apply the hatchet to Facebook, Google and Amazon, says the big tech firms have "bulldozed competition, used our private info for profit, hurt small businesses and stifled innovation."

Alex Kruglov, the founder of small online video gaming startup, is with Warren and Hughes. Taking away Instagram and WhatsApp would "create an environment of more competition," he says.


Snapchat invented the idea of disappearing photos, and when Facebook embraced the idea and tried to buy the company, but was rebuffed, Facebook responded by copying the idea and using it on Instagram. The Instagram Story feature is now used by over 500 million people daily, while Snapchat has under 200 million active daily users.

Kruglov says situations like this, with government monitoring, would open the playing field and make it fairer. What it wouldn't do is get rid of fake news, trolls and the like, but he believes government regulation that enabled competition would have a natural effect of diluting these voices.


Just like with regulation of utilities and auto companies, regulation would shift the power from the social network back to users, says Jeremiah Owyang, an analyst with Kaleido Insights.

He doesn't support the idea of a breakup, however, because that would just create consumer confusion, he says.


We like connecting via Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, because it makes it easier to use the services, just like we like signing on to websites via Facebook connect. And if Facebook had that taken away, some other company, probably Google, would just swoop in and try to connect everyone via its system, he says.

Anonymous ID: b428c2 May 11, 2019, 9:12 a.m. No.6471564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1653 >>1668

Alyssa Milano calls for ‘sex strike’ over Georgia abortion law


Alyssa Milano has joined a host of celebrities calling for a change to the new abortion law passed in the US state of Georgia.

Under the law, abortion is prohibited once doctors can detect a heartbeat in the foetus, that is often about six weeks into the pregnancy and sometimes before a woman even knows she is pregnant.

Georgia is one of six US states that has a heartbeat abortion law.


Milano says the only way to change the minds of male politicians is to withhold sex.

“Our reproductive rights are being erased. Until women have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy … JOIN ME by not having sex until we get bodily autonomy back. I’m calling for a #SexStrike. Pass it on,” she tweeted.

Milano heaped praise on JJ Abrams and Jordan Peele, who are about to start shooting their new TV show in Georgia, but announced they would donate the profits from the show to help fight the new law.


“In a few weeks we start shooting our new show, Lovecraft Country and will do so standing shoulder to shoulder with the women of Georgia. Governor Kemp’s ‘foetal Heartbeat’ Abortion Law is an unconstitutional effort to further restrict women and their health providers from making private medical decisions on their terms. Make no mistake, this is an attack aimed squarely and purposely at women,” the said in a statement.

“We will donate 100 per cent of our respective episodic fees for this season to two organisations leading the charge against this draconian law: the ACLU of Georgia and Fair Fight Georgia. We encourage those who are able to funnel any and all resources to these organisations.”

Other celebrities have also spoken out against the new law.


Will and Grace star Debra Messing praised the Screen Actors Guild for moving to protect its female members.

Titanic star Frances Fishes echoed Messing’s statement.

Westworld star Evan Rachel Wood had another extreme suggestion against abortion: mandatory vasectomies.