Anonymous ID: e2c062 May 11, 2019, 8:31 a.m. No.6471301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1321

Nancy Shaefer was well aware of what has been coined as "State Sponsored Kidnapping"


I firmly believe that this is one of the sides of the multi-faceted "those who you trust the most" monster. Our eyes have been opened to the fact that (((they))) have been trafficking children and adopting them out in places like Haiti. But when our citizens realize (((they))) have been doing the exact same thing for the last 50 years and longer, through the agency that was started to "protect" our innocent? CPS is there to protect our vulnerable children. Or so we've been told. It's something we have to tread carefully about until enough people have been gently awakened. CPS has affected more families in our Country than you realize. CPS is a major part of the child trafficking machine in the US. Also the same agency is over the well-being of the illegal immigrant children coming over the border. How convenient.


Nancy Shaefer and her husband were killed because of the uncovering she was doing.


Here's a bit of a great article. The link is at the bottom:


"The Adoption and the Safe Families Act, set in motion by President Bill Clinton, offered cash

“bonuses” to the states for every child they adopted out of foster care. In order to receive the “adoption incentive bonuses” local child protective services need more children. They must have merchandise (children) that sell and you must have plenty of them so the buyer can choose. Some counties are known to give a $4,000 bonus for each child adopted and an additional $2,000 for a “special needs” child. Employees work to keep the federal dollars flowing;


that there is double dipping. The funding continues as long as the child is out of the home. When a child in foster care is placed with a new family then “adoption bonus funds” are available. When a child is placed in a mental health facility and is on 16 drugs per day, like two children of a constituent of mine, more funds are involved;

that there are no financial resources and no real drive to unite a family and help keep them together;



Anonymous ID: e2c062 May 11, 2019, 8:34 a.m. No.6471321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1341


that the incentive for social workers to return children to their parents quickly after taking them has disappeared and who in protective services will step up to the plate and say, “This must end!” No one, because they are all in the system together and a system with no leader and no clear policies will always fail the children. Look at the waste in government that is forced upon the tax payer;

that the “Policy Manuel” is considered “the last word” for DFCS. However, it is too long, too confusing, poorly written and does not take the law into consideration;

that if the lives of children were improved by removing them from their homes, there might be a greater need for protective services, but today all children are not always safer. Children, of whom I am aware, have been raped and impregnated in foster care and the head of a Foster Parents Association in my District was recently arrested because of child molestation;

that some parents are even told if they want to see their children or grandchildren, they must divorce their spouse. Many, who are under privileged, feeling they have no option, will divorce and then just continue to live together. This is an anti-family policy, but parents will do anything to get their children home with them.

fathers, (non-custodial parents) I must add, are oftentimes treated as criminals without access to their own children and have child support payments strangling the very life out of them;

that the Foster Parents Bill of Rights does not bring out that a foster parent is there only to care for a child until the child can be returned home. Many Foster Parents today use the Foster Parent Bill of Rights to hire a lawyer and seek to adopt the child from the real parents, who are desperately trying to get their child home and out of the system;

that tax dollars are being used to keep this gigantic system afloat, yet the victims, parents, grandparents, guardians and especially the children, are charged for the system’s services.

that grandparents have called from all over the State of Georgia trying to get custody of their grandchildren. DFCS claims relatives are contacted, but there are cases that prove differently. Grandparents who lose their grandchildren to strangers have lost their own flesh and blood. The children lose their family heritage and grandparents, and parents too, lose all connections to their heirs.

that The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect in 1998 reported that six times as many children died in foster care than in the general public and that once removed to official “safety”, these children are far more likely to suffer abuse, including sexual molestation than in the general population.

That according to the California Little Hoover Commission Report in 2003, 30% to 70% of the children in California group homes do not belong there and should not have been removed from their homes. "