Anonymous ID: ecbf99 May 11, 2019, 8:06 a.m. No.6471142   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For those of you interested in helping


Internet Shutdown Observatory


Our Internet Shutdown Observatory uses novel measurement, classification and attribution techniques to detect internet disruptions, online censorship and cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure in the defence of human rights, democratic process and digital prosperity.


Non-partisan internet observation and monitoring requires the highest ethical standards for impartiality and accuracy based on credible methodologies that incorporate best practices that are suitable to operate at internet-scale over extended periods. These efforts enhance digital integrity by deterring and exposing disruptions and shutdowns, deterring and mitigating potentials for internet-based attacks on critical infrastructure and offering recommendations for improving internet governance and digital policy to build more resilient and decentralised networks.


The initiative also seeks to promote public confidence as the internet’s usage evolves to new form factors and to promote safe, secure and private citizen participation through platforms that are free of censorship and unreasonable restrictions while enshrining transparency, fundamental human rights and the rule of law.

Anonymous ID: ecbf99 May 11, 2019, 8:22 a.m. No.6471253   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Two Arrested After ‘Heavy Blast’ Rocks Restaurant in Malmö, Sweden


Two people in the multicultural city of Malmö in southern Sweden have been arrested following a large explosion at a restaurant on Friday around 2 a.m.


The explosion has been described in a report by Swedish television broadcaster SVT as “heavy”, with pictures of the aftermath of the blast showing widespread damage to the interior of the restaurant.


According to the report, the explosion was so large it shattered the windows of several other buildings in the vicinity, with the internal commander of the police in Malmö, Jerker Olsson, confirming that two individuals had been arrested in connection with what he termed “grossly perilous destruction”.


“It is very extensive damage so it must have been a heavy charge that exploded,” Olsson said. Police say they were tipped off to the incident through an automatic alarm system and say that fortunately no one, including emergency services personnel, was injured as a result of the powerful explosion.

Anonymous ID: ecbf99 May 11, 2019, 8:26 a.m. No.6471277   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Up to 70 migrants drown after boat capsizes off coast of Tunisia


At least 65 migrants drowned on Friday when their boat capsized in the Mediterranean Sea off the Tunisian coast after they had left Libya hoping to reach Europe, the UN refugee agency UNHCR said.

The state-run Tunis Afrique Presse agency gave a death toll of at least 70 people. It was one the deadliest shipwrecks involving migrants trying to reach Europe this year.

“This is a tragic and terrible reminder of the risks still faced by those who attempt to cross the Mediterranean,” UNHCR Special Envoy for the Mediterranean Vincent Cochetel said in a statement.

In the first four months of 2019, 164 people are known to have died on the route, a smaller number but higher death rate than in previous years, with one dying for every three who reach European shores, UNHCR said.

UNHCR said the sunken boat had taken to the sea on Thursday from neighbouring Libya, where renewed warfare between rival factions has gripped the capital Tripoli in the past five weeks.

Anonymous ID: ecbf99 May 11, 2019, 8:30 a.m. No.6471296   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is how the word crumbs got started on the 8 Ch…don't let anyone try to fool you


How did the Enigma machine work?


Like all the best cryptography, the Enigma machine is simple to describe, but infuriating to break.


Straddling the border between mechanical and electrical, Enigma looked from the outside like an oversize typewriter. Enter the first letter of your message on the keyboard and a letter lights up showing what it has replaced within the encrypted message. At the other end, the process is the same: type in the “ciphertext” and the letters which light are the decoded missive.


Inside the box, the system is built around three physical rotors. Each takes in a letter and outputs it as a different one. That letter passes through all three rotors, bounces off a “reflector” at the end, and passes back through all three rotors in the other direction.

Anonymous ID: ecbf99 May 11, 2019, 8:34 a.m. No.6471331   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Alexa privacy: Parents can't delete what kids tell Amazon voice assistant


Amazon met with skepticism from some privacy advocates and members of Congress last year when it introduced its first kid-oriented voice assistant, along with brightly colored models of its Echo Dot speaker designed for children.


Now those advocates say the kids' version of Amazon's Alexa won't forget what children tell it, even after parents try to delete the conversations. For that and other alleged privacy flaws they found while testing the service, they're now asking the Federal Trade Commission on Thursday to investigate whether it violates children's privacy laws.


"These are children talking in their own homes about anything and everything," said Josh Golin, who directs the Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood. "Why is Amazon keeping these voice recordings?"


A coalition of groups led by Golin's organization and Georgetown University's Institute for Public Representation is filing a formal complaint with the FTC alleging that Amazon is violating the federal Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, known as COPPA, by holding onto a child's personal information longer than is reasonably necessary.

Anonymous ID: ecbf99 May 11, 2019, 8:41 a.m. No.6471370   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ICE has released more than 160,000 migrants into the U.S. since December – and 88% never showed up for immigration court, officials say

Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials say they have released more than 160,000 migrants who crossed illegally into the U.S. since December 2018

The Department of Justice had its immigration court system establish a pilot program that created expedited court proceedings in 10 cities along the border

However, 87.5 of immigrants in the program failed to appear before a judge

ICE wants the authority to detain migrant children for long periods of time, and the ability to immediately deport unaccompanied minors to their home country

They also want to make it harder for migrants to pursue asylum in the U.S.


Immigration and Customs Enforcement has released more than 160,000 migrants who crossed illegally into the U.S. since December 2018 – and most of those people aren't showing up for their dates in immigration court, according to a senior ICE official.


In an effort to respond to the increasing surge of migrants a the Southern U.S. border – 109,144 were apprehended in April alone – the Department of Justice had its immigration court system establish a pilot program that created expedited court proceedings in 10 cities along the border.


However, 87.5 percent of the immigrants facing orders of removal in those courts failed to appear before a judge.


'There are often no consequences for those who fail to depart as ordered,' said Nathalie R. Asher, the acting executive associate director of enforcement and removal operations at ICE.

Anonymous ID: ecbf99 May 11, 2019, 8:46 a.m. No.6471400   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Experts: Latin America Using Chinese Tech To ‘Exert Social Control’


China expands its Technocracy as it simultaneously undermines free governments. Agressive Chinese suppliers with their sophisticated social control tech products have now penetrated Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Panama and Venezuela. ⁃ TN Editor


The ongoing proliferation of Chinese surveillance and information technologies in Latin America can be used to exert social control, erode democratic governance, and challenge U.S. and regional strategic interest, expert witnesses told a House panel on Thursday.


Margaret Myers, the director of the Asia and Latin America program at the Inter-American Dialogue, told the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere via written testimony that the governments of Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Panama, and Venezuela have all implemented “Chinese-made intelligent monitoring” technologies.


Myers described the move as “exceedingly troubling,” adding:


These systems are described by Chinese suppliers as promoting of citizen safety and security, but if used to exert social control (as they are in China or currently in Venezuela through the ZTE- backed “fatherland card”), can have critical implications for privacy and democratic governance.

Anonymous ID: ecbf99 May 11, 2019, 8:49 a.m. No.6471424   🗄️.is 🔗kun

В знак признательности одной из величайших групп на Земле!


I'm A Man - Chicago (Leonid & Friends cover)

Anonymous ID: ecbf99 May 11, 2019, 8:52 a.m. No.6471442   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Facial Recognition Tech Tested By UK Police Was Wrong 96% Of The Time According To Big Brother Watch


Facial recognition is highly flawed. Activist Post has consistently reported numerous studies finding that the technology’s accuracy isn’t all it’s marketed to be. Now, a watchdog observing UK Metropolitan Police trials has stated the technology has misidentified members of the public, including a 14-year-old black child in a school uniform who was stopped and fingerprinted by police, as potential criminals in as much as 96 percent of scans, according to Big Brother Watch in a press release.


In eight trials in London between 2016 and 2018, the technology gave “false positives” that wrongly identified individuals as crime suspects when an individual passed through an area with a facial recognition camera.


Big Brother Watch, the watchdog organization that received the data through a freedom of information request, demanded police drop using the technology. Big Brother Watch further warned of the Orwellian consequences of using it, arguing that it “breaches fundamental human rights protecting privacy and freedom of expression.”


“This is a turning point for civil liberties in the UK. If police push ahead with facial recognition surveillance, members of the public could be tracked across Britain’s colossal CCTV networks,” Director Silkie Carlo said. “For a nation that opposed ID cards and rejected the national DNA database, the notion of live facial recognition turning citizens into walking ID cards is chilling.”

Anonymous ID: ecbf99 May 11, 2019, 8:56 a.m. No.6471474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1630 >>1651 >>1725 >>1787 >>1823

Pentagon to deploy Patriot missile battery, USS Arlington to Middle East amid tensions with Iran


The Pentagon will deploy a Patriot missile battery and an amphibious transport dock warship to the Middle East as part of the Defense Department’s operations aimed at deterring increasing Iranian aggression, defense officials said Friday.


Acting Defense Secretary Pat Shanahan ordered the new deployments Friday, just days after he approved the expedited deployment of an aircraft carrier strike group and a task force of B-52 bombers into the Middle East, the Pentagon said. The deployment announced Friday was part of the same request for forces from U.S. Central Command as the previously announced deployments, the Pentagon said.


“The United States does not seek conflict with Iran, but we are postured and ready to defend U.S. forces and interests in the region,” the statement read.


A senior military official said Friday that the United States had not seen any increase in the threat level against U.S. forces in the region in recent days since the announcement of the initial deployment, but threat levels remained elevated. The threat is to U.S. troops deployed in Iraq and Syria – primarily emanating from Iranian-controlled Shia militias – and on the seas in the Persian Gulf region, where U.S. officials have observed Iranian-controlled vessels transporting military hardware including missiles, according to the official.


The senior official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the matter, described the threats as “real and credible,” but declined to provide additional details, saying they are classified.

Anonymous ID: ecbf99 May 11, 2019, 9:01 a.m. No.6471498   🗄️.is 🔗kun

State Department Under Pressure Over Christopher Steele Contacts


Three Republican senators are pressing the State Department to provide information about a meeting between dossier author Christopher Steele and a State Department official before the 2016 election.

Steele met on Oct. 11, 2016 with Kathleen Kavalec.

Kavalec’s notes from that meeting have been released. They show that Steele claimed he had contact with the media and that his client was “keen” to see anti-Trump information published before the election.


The State Department has largely avoided scrutiny from GOP-led investigations of the Steele dossier, but that changed this week with the release of notes that a State Department official took during an October 2016 meeting with dossier author Christopher Steele.

Anonymous ID: ecbf99 May 11, 2019, 9:07 a.m. No.6471533   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Harmeet Dhillon: If big tech has its way ‘we will lose every election going forward’


In an appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight, lawyer Harmeet Dhillon warned that conservatives need to take note of the threat of the Silicon Valley Masters of the Universe or “we will lose every election going forward.”


(Article by Lucas Nolan republished from


In an appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight, host Tucker Carlson discussed how conservatives have been repeatedly targeted by big tech firms noting that even the Claremont Institute was recently denied the right to advertise on Google over a study published by the institute that Google deemed to be “racist.” Google has since apologized for this, claiming that denying the institute was a mistake.


Carlson then introduced Dhillon as one of the most “famous attorney in American on the question of Big Tech and its threat to our liberties.” Carlson asked Harmeet about the situation with the Claremont Institute and Google’s claims that not allowing them to use their platform was a mistake, asking “how many times have we heard this from some big tech company or another when caught silencing conservatives?” Dhillon replied: “Well we hear it every other day and Tucker, I am not delusional and people are actually discriminating against conservatives every other day in this way and they’re gaslighting us by saying ‘oh it was just a mistake, you imagined that.’”


Carlson then noted that social media has become the primary forum for political discussion in recent years, adding that “if you control the terms then you control the election don’t you?” to which Dhillon replied: “You will, and Republicans are ignoring this at their peril and I keep saying this, I feel like Cassandra, I keep saying this, we are going to lose every election going forward if we don’t put a stop to this bias. Either conservatives who are being paid off by Big Tech or are simply ill-informed either say ‘oh well this is just competition, this is just the market if you don’t like Twitter or Facebook go make your own.’ These are all statements made by people who have never started their own companies and who are paid by thinktanks, they don’t know what it means to start a business so that’s ludicrous.”

Anonymous ID: ecbf99 May 11, 2019, 9:19 a.m. No.6471618   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cartels thrive in New Mexico county after feds shut down checkpoints


ALAMOGORDO, N.M. — In this sprawling desert city in the shadow of the Sacramento Mountains, local officials are fed up with the border crisis — and have gone rogue.


Otero County last month became the first border community to declare a state of emergency after the federal government shut down two local checkpoints in the area, which had traditionally provided a second line of defense against shipments of drugs and illegal immigrants who managed to sneak through the border at El Paso, about 90 miles to the south.


“It’s a green light for the cartels when border checkpoints are down,” Otero County Sheriff David Black, 56, told The Post.

Anonymous ID: ecbf99 May 11, 2019, 9:28 a.m. No.6471679   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hitler trained the Muslim Brotherhood says ex-grand mufti


Egypt's former grand mufti has recently said that the Muslim Brotherhood sent hundreds of its members to receive "training" from the Nazi regime in the 1940s.


Shiekh Ali Gomaa said on his religious television programme Wallahu Alam that the Brotherhood was originally founded as a proselytisation movement before it became a political party.


"For the 11 years before 1939 the Brotherhood were good and everyone supported them, after that they began training in Helwan


Tora and Natrun," the Shiekh said.


[The Muslim Brotherhood] sent 700 members to train under Hitler

  • Shiekh Ali Gomaa "They sent 700 members to train under Hitler. This came to light much later in documents released by German authorities," he added.


Gomaa said the Brotherhood had "changed its skin" from religious movement to a power hunger political party with ambitions of taking control of Egypt.


The former grand mufti has previously claimed that the Brotherhood's founder Hassan al-Banna coordinated with Hitler to establish a military wing with the help of Amin Hussein, the grand mufti of Jerusalem between 1921 and 1937.


Banna established the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928 as a grassroots movement. He later formed a military wing for the purposes of fighting the British occupation at the time and to take part in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.


The armed wing was later dissolved and the Brotherhood - which has recently been undergoing an internal struggle to maintain its condemnation of violent means - has continued to use a gradualist, peaceful approach to change.


Banna established the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928 Gomaa has previously made condemning statements against the Brotherhood and its member

Anonymous ID: ecbf99 May 11, 2019, 9:36 a.m. No.6471735   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Deep State FBI Lawyer and Alleged Leaker James Baker Says He is “Nervous” About Upcoming DOJ Inspector General Report


Former FBI lawyer James Baker is the latest deep state player to trash President Trump publicly.

Baker went public on Friday to defend the origins of the junk Russia-Collusion spying scandal and to attack the sitting US President.

President Trump managed to survive a coup attempt by the deep state, their fake news media and the Democrat Party the first two years of his presidency.


The Trump haters are all trying to go on record before the Inspector General’s report drops.


House Republicans revealed in a letter earlier this year that James Baker is under criminal investigation for leaks.

Anonymous ID: ecbf99 May 11, 2019, 9:54 a.m. No.6471860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1881


What Is The Difference Between LEGAL And LAWFUL?


To answer this question one must first answer the question, “What is LAW?”


Social conditioning and the public discourse of lawyers is intentionally designed to stop you from asking this question. Here in reality there have been many attempts to define it. Law is just a weasel-word catch-phrase, like “Due Process“. It doesn’t actually exist.


The works of Lord Lloyd of Hampstead, most notably “Introduction to Jurisprudence”, poses the question whether it’s possible, or desirable to define LAW. By 1972, when these works were written, there was no accepted definition. There are, however, “proposed” definitions.


One definition is that “LAW” is a system of rules and guidelines which are enforced through social institutions to govern behaviour.


Queen’s Counsel Glenville Williams, said the meaning of the word law depends on the context in which the word is used. For example, early Customary law and Municipal law are contexts where the word “LAW” have conflicting and irreconcilable meanings. A devout Muslim will consider the Q’uran and the Hadiths LAW; however a quick examination of these “LAWS” will show that they’re incompatible with anything resembling a civilized society.


In the end a conclusion is that LAW is anything that’s written down and upheld by the adherents of that writing. It is the first MAXIM of LAW;”If it is written, it is Law.” It simply boils down to how many people are willing to enforce it.

Anonymous ID: ecbf99 May 11, 2019, 9:57 a.m. No.6471881   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Some “LAWS” are considered universal. Don’t harm others. Don’t steal from others; and don’t deceive others. Left at that point, the concept of LAW would be pretty simple, as these are things that most of us do as a matter of course.


If you are taking the time to read this article, I think it’s a safe assumption that you aren’t doing it between bouts of robbery and murder. Human beings, by their very nature (with some notable exceptions), are inherently altruistic, and have empathy; thus making the whole not killing people, not robbing people and not defrauding people, the de facto state of the average Homo sapien.


These universal laws are essentially all Homo sapiens need to interact with each other. If you’re not killing somebody, and you’re not robbing somebody, and you’re not deceiving somebody, it is safe to presume that whatever you do is, in fact, LAWFUL.


So what does LEGAL mean?


In Western society LEGAL means Acts and Statutes enacted by Parliament/Congress with the FORCE OF LAW, and with the consent of the governed.


I created THE TENDER FOR LAW to educate the general public as to what money is; and the reason this is so important is that money is what indicates your consent to be governed by LEGAL Acts and Statutes.


If you are unfortunate enough to know a banker or a lawyer, great entertainment can be had by asking the question, “What does this note is LEGAL Tender mean?”, and watching them trying to sputter out an answer. Lawyers will give long, convoluted explanations with bullshit piled on top of bullshit. When they are finished with their deliberately wrong answer, point to the words and ask, “Which word says all that? Is it the words, “this note”? No? What about the words, LEGAL Tender? What does that mean?” That is why this group is called THE TENDER FOR LAW.